The Diary of Samuel Sewall

  • Examination of the Accused

    Today at the meeting-house the accused were examined for the accusation of witchcraft. Many spectators came to witness the events of today.
  • Witches!

    George Burroughs, John Willard, John Proctor, Martha Carrier, and George Jacobs was executed today at Salem. We were told that their sentence was righteous.
  • Petition for Death!!

    Today a petition was sent to town in behalf of Dorcas Hoar. Her execution was asked to be held back for today due to her confession, but tomorrow she dies!
  • The Seventh Verse of the Bible

    Today my son read to me the seventh verse of the bible. It remined greatly of the Salem Witch Trials. " And if you had understood the meaning of the words. 'What i want is mercy, not sacrifice ,' you would not have condemned the blamless.
  • The Bill

    Today a bill is sent for the fast convocation of the ministers. That may be led in the right way was to the witchcrafts.