The Development of U.S. Constitution

  • Jun 15, 1215

    Magna Carta

    The Magna Carta was a document that protected the nobels privilages in england. They forced King John to sign it in 1215 because it forced even monarchs in england to obey the law.
  • Nov 13, 1295

    Parliament Begins

    The parliament was originaly a group of religious figures and nobles that served as advisors to the Kings after John. This eventually grew to a huge size and expanded to include common people sent as representatives.
  • House of Burgesses

    The first representative assembly in the english colonies. It had little power but was the beginning of Americas legislature that we know today.
  • Mayflower Compact

    A plan written up by the Pilgrims while they were on the way to the new world. This plan consisted of rules for governing and was signed by 41 of the men aboard the mayflower.
  • Glorious Revolution

    The removal of King James II and the instatement of Mary and William as monarchs.
  • English Bill of Rights

    A document that further limited the powers of the monarch and gave basic rights to the people such as free elections , fair trial and the elimination of cruel and unusual punishment.
  • Common Law

    A system where the outcome of cases was based on similar cases in the past.
  • Intolerable Acts

    Acts that were used as a form of punishment for the colonies in response to the Boston Tea Party
  • Stamp Act

    Gave England the right to tax and make decisions for the Colonies.
  • First Continental Congress

    A meeting in which delegates demanded that their rights be restored and voiced their opinions to King George III
  • Second Continental Congress

    When the Declaration of Independence was signed. This sparked the Revolutionary War
  • Articles of Confederation

    A system for organizing the colonies made after America was freed from Britain.
  • Shays' Rebellion

    A rebellion of soldiers in the Continental Army who, when returning home, found themselves in debt and were arrested.
  • Constitutional Convention

    A meeting In which problems in America were discussed and the Constitution was created.
  • Great Compromise

    An agreement of the smaller and larger states concerning the amount of representation received by each state in the House or Representatives.
  • Constitutioin Ratified by 2/3 of the states

    The Constitution was meant to replace the Articles of Confederation and ensure the rights of all citizens as well as set up how the government would be run.
  • Federalist Papers

    A series of 85 anonymously written letters promoting the ratification of the Constitution that were published in The Independent Journal and The New York Packet
  • Bill of Rights

    10 amendment to the constitution that consisted of the basic rights of all citizens such as right to bear arms, right to free religion and speech, and the abolishment of cruel and unusual punishment