The Civil R ig hits movement begins

  • Brown v Board of Education

    The US Supreme Court rules an end to segregation in schools. It overturns the earlier Plessy v Ferguson (1896) decision that permitted “separate 
but equal” facilities for blacks and whites. In reality, of course, “separate” facilities were hardly ever “equal
  • 1955: The Emmett Till murder

    Blacks in Montgomery, Alabama, boycott buses 
for 13 months after the arrest of Rosa Parks for breaking segregation laws. The US Supreme 
Court eventually rules a complete end to segregation on city buses in Montgomery.
  • 1955:Rosa Parks

    Rosa parks refuses to give up her seat on a bus in Alabama
  • 1957: The Little Rock school crisis

    Arkansas Governor Orval E Faubus prevents the desegregation of Little Rock’s Central High School by calling out National Guard troops. President Dwight D Eisenhower sends in federal soldiers to allow nine black students to attend the school.
  • 1957: Eisenhower signs the Civil Rights Act of 1957

    Eisenhower signs the Civil Rights Act of 1957 into law to help protect voter rights. The law allows federal prosecution of those who suppress another’s right to
  • 1960: Sit-ins

    Blacks in Montgomery, Alabama, boycott buses 
for 13 months after the arrest of Rosa Parks for breaking segregation laws. The US Supreme 
Court eventually rules a complete end to segregation on city buses in Montgomery.