The Book Theif

  • Hitler authors Mein Kampf

    Hitler wrote his book called My Struggle because he wanted people to see his vision for Germany under the Nazis. Hans buys a copy of it to appear to support Hitler so people do not question him all the time like his son did."With typical affability, Hans replied, “Nothing, my good man, nothing at all. Heil Hitler,” and he walked down Munich Street, holding the pages of the Führer." (Page 87) Later Liesel writes in a painted over version of Mein Kampf. She writes her part of The Book Thief.
  • Hitler is appointed Chancellor

    President Hindenburg appoints Hitler chancellor because he is the leader of the largest party in the Reichstag
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  • Jesse Owens wins Gold medal

    Jesse Owens wins a gold medal at the Berlin Olympics. Rudy Steiner is very impressed so he colors himself black and runs as as fast as he can at Hubert's Oval. "“Owens in front,” the boy’s shrill voice cried as he ran down the empty track, straight toward the uproarious applause of Olympic glory. He could even feel the tape break in two across his chest as he burst through it in first place. The fastest man alive." (Page 40) Rudy Steiner is a great athlete himself and is recruited by the SS.
  • France and England declare war on Germany

    France and England declare war on Germany because Germany had invaded Poland 2 days earlier. WW2 has officially begun on Himmel street and all throughout Germany. "The German invasion of Poland had begun and people were gathered everywhere, listening to the news of it. Munich Street, like every other main street in Germany, was alive with war. The smell, the voice. Rationing had begun a few days earlier—the writing on the wall—and now it was official." (Page 50)
  • Poland is defeated

    Poland was invaded by Germany on September 1st and fell to the superior German military in a little over a month. Poland was also invaded by the Soviet Union on September 17th from the East. When Poland was defeated Germany and the Soviet Union divided Poland in half
  • Hitlers Birthday 1940

    On April 20th 1940, Germany celebrated the birthday of their Fuhrer Adolf Hitler by burning books. Local Nazi's give speeches about how Germany is growing stronger and how they have defeated the communists and the Jews. "The orange flames waved at the crowd as paper and print dissolved inside them. Burning words were torn from their sentences." (Page 75) This part is where Liesel starts to question why her parents are gone. Now that she appreciated reading she doesn't like the book burning.
  • Germany invades Russia

    Operation Barbarossa. Germany invades Russia. Millions of men are fighting in the war including many from Molching. The Holzapfel brothers fight in Russia and so does Hans junior. After Germany invades Russia, England joins forces with Russia. "Then came the seventh side of the die. Two days after Germany invaded Russia. Three days before Britain and the Soviets joined forces." (Page 177) Since Liesel is paranoid about Max in her basement, she thinks that war with Russia is punishment.
  • Bombing of Lubeck

    Lübeck is one of the many cities that was flattened by bombs during WW2. In the book Death says that he collected 500 souls in Lübeck. Soon Munich and and the area around it were to be bombed. "In Liesel’s inside world, there was great relief in that time. Outside, things were starting to look shaky. Late in March, a place called Lübeck was hailed with bombs. Next in line would be Cologne, and soon enough, many more German cities, including Munich." (Page 228)
  • Battle of Stalingrad

    The Battle of Stalingrad was the bloodiest battle of WW2. It resulted in about 1.5 million casualties. This battle is what turned the tide of the war. Hans junior and Robert Holtzapfel both died in Stalingrad. Michael Holtzapfel was injured badly in the battle. "When he vanished from Himmel Street that day in the name of the Führer, he would hurtle through the events of another story, each step leading tragically to Russia. To Stalingrad." (Page 71)
  • Battle of Munich

    When the battle of Munich happened the second world war was pretty much over in Europe. Germany had no strength or will to fight on. You would think that a big city would be hard to capture for the allies. But since there were hardly any German soldiers that were still alive Munich was captured in 1 day. Liesel and her family live around the outskirts of Munich in fictional Molching. There is actually an actual town that corresponds to Molching. It is called Olching and is on the way to Dachau.
  • Germany surrenders

    Germany surrendered shortly after the Russians captured the capitol of Berlin. This marked the end of the deadliest conflict ever in Europe.