The Black Plague

  • Jan 1, 1347

    Black Plague Begins in Constantinople

    *estimate date
  • Mar 1, 1347

    Plague Reaches Europe

    The black plauge, a combination of the bubonic and pneumonic plauges, begins in Europe. It immediately has a major impact on social and economic conditions.
  • Oct 1, 1347

    Reaches Alexandria, Cyprus, and Sicily

  • Dec 1, 1347

    Plague Reaches Italy

  • Jan 1, 1348

    Reaches France and Germany

  • Sep 1, 1348

    Plague Reaches England

  • Mar 1, 1349

    The Plague reaches Scotland, Wales, and Ireland

  • May 1, 1349

    Plague Reaches Norway

  • Oct 1, 1349

    3,000 Jews killed in Black Death riots in Efurt, Germany

  • Jan 1, 1350

    Plague Starts to Subside in Europe

    The plague has subsided in most of Europe, but never comepletly leaves England. There are no further outbreaks until 1361 in London.
  • Jan 1, 1351

    Reaches Russia

  • Jan 1, 1352

    25 Million Dead in Europe

    Though the plague has mostly ended it is estimated that around 25 million europeans have died at this point.
  • Jan 1, 1353

    Giovanni Boccaccio Finishes Writing The Decameron

    Giovanni Boccaccio finishes writing The Decameron, a fictional narrative that begins with a description of the 1348 outbreak of Black Death in Florence, Italy.