Representantes del barroco


  • Period: to

    Baroque Period

    Baroque is understood as the architectural style carried out in the 17th and part of the 18th centuries (1600 to 1750), characterized by the profusion of ornaments in contrast to the sober style of the classical Renaissance.
  • Death Elizabeth I

    Death Elizabeth I
    Unknown Director of New Netherland, 1624 Adriaen Jorisz Thienpont was appointed the first Director of NElizabeth I of England, nicknamed the Virgin Queen, Gloriana or Good Queen Bess, was Queen of England and Ireland from her accession to the throne on November 17, 1558, until her death in 1603. Her reign of more than four decades was known as the Elizabethan era.ew Netherland
  • Period: to

    David with the head of Goliath

    David with the Head of Goliath is a painting done in 1609 or 1610 by the Italian Baroque painter Caravaggio. The work is located in the Borghese Gallery, Rome. Another version of the same work, also by Caravaggio, is in the Museum of Art History in Vienna.
  • Ascension of Louis XIII to the French Throne

     Ascension of Louis XIII to the French Throne
    The son of Henry IV and Marie de' Medici, Louis XIII (1601-1643) became king of France in 1610 upon the death of his father. His mother acted as regent for the kingdom until the young king seized power on 24 April 1617.
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    Thirty Years War

    While related to other European conflicts, the Thirty Years War was primarily a struggle over the political and religious order within the Empire.
  • Counter-Reformation

    Is a sculpture by Neapolitan artist Gian Lorenzo Bernini. It portrays the singular moment of Saint Teresa’s religious ecstasy, as her heart is pierced by God’s love.
  • Las Meninas

    Las Meninas
    Las meninas o La familia de Felipe IV se considera la obra maestra del pintor del Siglo de Oro español Diego Velázquez. Acabado en 1656, según Antonio Palomino, fecha unánimemente aceptada por la crítica, corresponde al último periodo estilístico del artista, el de plena madurez
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    Henry Purcell

    Henry Purcell was a composer of the Baroque. He started composing at 18 years
  • Death of Joan Sebastian Bach

    Death of Joan Sebastian Bach
    Johann Sebastian Bach was a German composer, musician, conductor, chapel teacher, singer, and teacher of the Baroque period. He was the most important member of one of the most prominent musical families in history, with more than 35 famous composers: the Bach family.