The Bad Case of Stripes

  • exposition

    There was a girl named Camilla.She loved lima beans.But she usually didn't eat them because no one else liked them at school.She was often worried what the other kids thought.One day she was trying to decide what to where on the first day of school and she screamed.Her mother ran in and found her daughter covered in stripes.
  • rising action

    Dr.Bumble examined her.She went to school the next day.She changed intoa million colors at school.
  • climax

    Dr.bumble invited every kind of doctor he knew.she got poked at and everything. Even an enviormental speciallist.
  • falling action

    One day an old woman came to the house and said she could cure her. She took a jar of lima beans out of her purse. She asked if Camilla if she liked them.She said yes andput some into her mouth.Instantly she turned normal.
  • Resolution

    After that experience she always ate lima beans.Even though the other kids made fun of her.