The American Revolution

  • Period: to

    American Rev.

  • Treaty of Paris

    The treaty that ended the french and indian war
  • British stamp act

    The british Stamp act placed on the colonists, parliament required all legal documents to be stamped in order to use the paper
  • British Quartering act

    Colonial assemblies required to pay for supplies to British troops. The New York assembly argued that it could not be forced to comply.
  • Stamp Act Repeal

    Represenitives from 9 of the 13 colonies gather and argue that the stamp act is unconstitotional
  • The Declaration of independance

    The day that the Declaration was adopted saying that America is no longer a territoriy of the british
  • The Battle Of Yorktown

    British surender under cornwallis
  • The Treaty of Paris

    Ending the revolutionary war. freeing America
  • The Articles of Confederation

    the first form of goverment that America Tried to use before use democratic system