The 2nd Industrial Revolution

  • America's 2nd Industrial Revolution

    America's 2nd Industrial Revolution began in 1865 when dozen of talented people started making huge business(A lot of Oil Company's) and these people starting building hospitals and schools and donating to charities, while using their fortunes.
  • The Greatest Growth of Railways

    The greatest growth of railways was completed in 1869 when railways expanded way out west and a lot more down south, instead of just being in the North East.
  • George WestingHouse

    George Westinghouse invented the air brake which was revolutionary in transportation technology at the time and is still used today.
  • Communications

    The inventor of the telegraph Samuel Mosses died in 1872 but he created the telegraph in the 30's and 40;s, so people would be able to communicate easier from across the country or in different states
  • Electronic Music

    In 1877, Edison patent the phonograph(record player), after testing certain wires and gases.
  • Electricity

    In 1879, Thomas Edison created the first working light bulb which would forever alter the world. Which could burn brightly for many hours.
  • The Dangers of Monopoly

    During the Gilded Age multiple entrepreneurs tried to get monopoly on certain products for example Cornelius Vanderbilt owned pretty much every railroad in America and the Federal government saw that as a problem so the made it illegal after seeing that all these huge business magnates influence the government so much.
  • Sarah Good

    Sarah Good was a former slave, so she moved to Chicago and was the first African American woman to receive a US patent for a fold away bed that could fit in a small apartment. This was a way bigger deal back then then it seems.
  • Economic conditions

    This Era is something called the gilded age because when you see it on paper it seems picture perfect but then you scratch away at the surface of it and you see all the diseases and poverty and multiple other problems. Also US and foreign population was rapidly growing during this era.
  • Trans Continental Rail Roads

    Four separate trans continental railroads were built in 1893, so civilians and cargo can now travel distances quickly.
  • The First Airplane

    In 1903, the Wright brothers who owned a bicycle shop created and flew on the first working airplane.
  • The First Car

    In 1908, Henry Ford built the model A, not knowing that over the next 20 years he would sell over 15 million of them. And he was the founder of Ford Motor Company, which was the first car company to exist.