The 13 Colonies

  • Walter Raleigh And His 100 Men

    Walter Raleigh And His 100 Men
    In 1585, Queen Elizabeth allowed Walter Raleigh to send 100 men from England to Roanoke Island.
  • The Arrival

    The Arrival
    Once the English men arrived at Roanoke Island in 1587 they discovered that some of their men that were in the fort had been killed by Pocahonta's people.

    In 1587, once the English men got to Roanoke Island and found out that some of their men had been killed they also found a tree with the word "CROATON" carved into it.
  • Landing on the banks of Virginia's James River

    Landing on the banks of Virginia's James River
    Twenty years later, in 1607, the 100 men landed on the banks of Virginia's James River, where they were immediately attacked by some of the people their, but they were determine to stay.
  • Captain Smith returns

    Captain Smith returns
    Then, in 1609 Captain Smith returned to England once he became ill and because of that Pocahontas stopped visiting the Southern settlement.
  • Jamestown's Big Year

    Jamestown's Big Year
    In 1619, Jamestown elected their first type of government.
  • The Mayflowers insident

    The Mayflowers insident
    The Mayflowers sail was tipped over in a horrible storm.
  • The First Thanksgiving

    The First Thanksgiving
    In 1621, the first ever Thanksgiving took place when the white people made alliances with the Natives.
  • William Penn's Land

    William Penn's Land
    In 1681, King Charles II gave William Penn land because he owed Williams deceased father a loan before he was deceased.