Telephone history

  • first telephone

    first telephone
    Alexander Graham Bell created the first telephone in 1876. One of Alexander's assistants was trying to modernize a telegraph transmitter. Bell believed he could solve the problem by sending a human voice over a wire.
  • The rotary phone

    The rotary phone
    The Dial phone has a switchboard that makes a signaling technology in telecommunications, people call this dialing.
  • cordlesss phone

    cordlesss phone
    The Cordless phone was created as an easy phone that is portable. They became extremely popular because it was easy to eavesdrop on conversations. The earliest version operated at 27 MHz
  • the mobile phone

    the mobile phone
    A Motorola employee wanted to have more freedom to talk on the phone away from their cars. As a result, Motorola began on a project to create a more portable device.
  • the smart phone

    the smart phone
    This phone was created as a new revolution. It was the first phone to combine the functions of a cell phone you could make calls, and a PDA, which back then was a handheld device you could use for emails and send faxes.