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telecomunication inventions

  • Computer- Charles Babbage

    Computer- Charles Babbage
    an electronic device for storing and processing data, typically in binary form, according to instructions given to it in a variable program.
  • Telegraph- Samuel F. B. Morse

    Telegraph- Samuel F. B. Morse
    transmitting electrical signals over a wire laid between stations.
  • telephone-Alexander graham bell

    telephone-Alexander graham bell
    an instrument for reproducing sounds at a distance specifically
  • Radio- Heinrich Hertz

    Radio- Heinrich Hertz
    form of telecommunication that is carried out through radio waves or hertzian waves
  • Television- John Logie Baird

    Television- John Logie Baird
    An electrical device that receives and reproduces these images and sounds.
  • Mobile Phone- Martin Cooper

    Mobile Phone- Martin Cooper
    a telephone with access to a cellular radio system so it can be used over a wide area, without a physical connection to a network.
  • Tablet- Jeff Hawkins

    Tablet-  Jeff Hawkins
    a portable electronic device larger than a smartphone