Telecomunication technology


  • Telegraph-Samuel Morse

    Telegraph-Samuel Morse
    A telegraph is a system for transmitting messages from a distance along a wire, especially one creating signals by making and breaking an electrical connection.
  • Computer-Charles Babbage

    Computer-Charles Babbage
    A computer is an electronic device for storing and processing data, typically in binary form, according to instructions given to it in a variable program.
  • Telephone-Alexander Graham Bell.

    Telephone-Alexander Graham Bell.
    The telephone is a telecommunication invention created to transmit aocustic signals at a distance by means of electrical signals.
  • Radio-Guglielmo Marconi

    Radio-Guglielmo Marconi
    A radio is a telecommunication advice that is based on sending audio signals over radio waves, although the term is also used for other forms of remote audio transmission such as Internet radio.
  • Television-John Logie Baird

    Television-John Logie Baird
    Television ia a transmition system that projects pictures, videos and audios by hertzian waves.
  • Mobile phone-Martin Cooper.

    Mobile phone-Martin Cooper.
    A mobile phone is a portatil device that is used to recive calls and call other people.
  • Tablet-Alan Key

    Tablet-Alan Key
    A tablet is a portatil device that has similiar uses to a mobile phone, even though it has a bigger size