Telecomunication inventions

  • David Alter, telegraph

    David Alter, telegraph
    Telegraph is a system of sending messages over long distances, either by means of electricity or by radio signals.
  • Antonio Meucci, Telephone

    Antonio Meucci, Telephone
    Communication system that transmits voice and sound over long distances by electrical or electromagnetic means
  • Radio Guillermo Marconi

    Radio Guillermo Marconi
    Telecomunicación que se realiza por medio de ondas radioeléctricas
  • TV, John Logie Baird

    TV, John Logie Baird
    System for the transmission of images and sounds at a distance by means of Hertzian waves.
  • Computer, Konrad Zuse

    Computer, Konrad Zuse
    an electronic device for storing and processing data, typically in binary form, according to instructions given to it in a variable program.
  • Tablet, Alan Kay

    Tablet, Alan Kay
    The tablets were born out of a project that emerged in the late 1960s. The idea was developed by a visionary named Alan Kay.
  • Martin Cooper, Mobile phone

    Martin Cooper, Mobile phone
    A mobile phone or cell phone is a portable phone that can make or receive calls through a radio frequency carrier, while the user is moving within a telephone service area