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Telecommunications Inventions

  • Telegraph-Samuel Morse

    Telegraph-Samuel Morse
    The telegraph is a device or device that uses electrical signals to transmit coded text messages, such as Morse code, over wire lines or radio communications.
  • Radio-Nikola Tesla

    Radio-Nikola Tesla
    Radio is a means of communication that is based on sending audio signals through radio waves.
  • Telephone-Graham Bell

    Telephone-Graham Bell
    The telephone is a telecommunication device designed to transmit acoustic signals at a distance by means of electrical signals.
  • Television-John Logie Baird

    Television-John Logie Baird
    Television is a system for the transmission and reception of images and sounds at a distance that simulate movements, which uses a diffusion mechanism.
  • Computer-Konrad Zuse

    Computer-Konrad Zuse
    A computer is a computing device that is capable of receiving, storing and processing information in a useful way
  • Tablet-Alan Kay

    Tablet-Alan Kay
    It is a larger laptop than a smartphone, integrated into a touch screen with which you interact primarily with your fingers without the need for a physical keyboard or mouse.
  • Mobile Phone-Martin Cooper

    Mobile Phone-Martin Cooper
    Mobile telephony or cellular telephony is a means of wireless communication through electromagnetic waves