
Telecommunication Inventions

  • Telegraph: Samuel Morse

    Telegraph: Samuel Morse
    A telegraph is a communication system developed for the transimtion of messages over a wire. The information is transmited throug electrical current pulses, in the form of Morse Code.
  • Computer: Charles Babbage

    Computer: Charles Babbage
    A computer is a device designed to make calculations, storing and organizing large amounts of information, finding words or pictures... or even controlling other machines.
  • Telephone: Alexander Graham Bell

    Telephone: Alexander Graham Bell
    A telephone is an instrument desingned for the transmittion and reception of voices over a distance.
  • Radio: Guillermo Marconi

    Radio: Guillermo Marconi
    A radio is an instrument used to listen to radio broadcasts and sending and receiving spoken messages or signals.
  • Television: John Logie Baird

    Television: John Logie Baird
    A television is a device in the shape of a box with a screen. This invention receives electrical signals and transforms into moving images and sound.
  • Tablet: Alan Kay

    Tablet: Alan Kay
    A tablet is a small, flat computer which we can control by touching it's screen or by using a special pen. Tablets are able to do what ordinary computers do, but they lack some input or output abilities.
  • Mobile phone: Martin Cooper

    Mobile phone: Martin Cooper
    A mobile phone is a device conected to the phone system by radio instead of wires. It can be used anywhere its signals are received.