
Ted Williams

  • Ted Williams was born as Theodore Samuel Williams.

    Ted Williams was born as Theodore Samuel Williams.
  • Ted Williams played for the Padres in minor leagues.

    Ted Williams played for the Padres in minor leagues.
  • Ted Williams MLB debut for the Boston Red Sox.

    Ted Williams MLB debut for the Boston Red Sox.
    "Baseball is the only field of endevour where a man can succeed three times out of ten, and still be considered a good performer"
  • Ted Williams hit a .406 batting average making him the last MLB player to post over a .400 batting average for a season.

    Ted Williams hit a .406 batting average making him the last MLB player to post over a .400 batting average for a season.
  • Ted Williams was drafted into the Air Force.

    Ted Williams was drafted into the Air Force.
  • Ted Williams was inducted into the baseball Hall of Fame.

    Ted Williams was inducted into the baseball Hall of Fame.
  • Ted Williams managed the Washington Senators.

    Ted Williams managed the Washington Senators.
  • Ted Williams presented with the Presidential Medal of Freedom

    Ted Williams presented with the Presidential Medal of Freedom
  • Ted Williams died from being really old.

    Ted Williams died from being really old.
  • Ted Williams head and body were cryogenically frozen.

    Ted Williams head and body were cryogenically frozen.