TED 200- Historical Timeline Assignment

  • Separation of Church and State

    Separation of Church and State
    Due to the diversity in America from this point in time onward it became necessary to enforce the separation of church and state in the public school system. American education was founded on Protestant values, but as America began to grow it's religious views did too. It was no longer fair to teach only the Protestant religion. It became evident that removing religion from school was the best option.
  • Women Teachers

    Women Teachers
    As the need for school out west grew, so did the need for teachers. It was decided that women would suffice. They were paid far less and expected to live in harsh condition while attempting to teach children what they needed to know. Women changed the course of the school system by causing it to grow like wildfire in an area that would have been left uneducated.
  • A School System

    A School System
    The creation of a unified school system by Horace Mann was the meager beginnings of schools as we know them today. Being appointed the first Secretary of Education in Massachusetts gave Mann a platform with which to unify the school systems across the state. Mann envisioned a school system that would be public and provide equality in education to all. He visited the schools to write reports about them and propose recommendations to make them better.
  • Standardized Tests

    Standardized Tests
    With the start of World War 1 upon us, America needed a way to classify soldiers into jobs that would best suit their intelligence. Standardized tests were developed to do just that. These tests are designed for testing mass amounts and are used in public schools all across the country. They have shaped they way we teach.
  • Special Education

    Special Education
    Starting in 1958, education began to change for students with special needs. Parents of children with disabilities were inspired by Brown's legacy, and rallied to make sure their children got a fair shot at an education. It wasn't until 1976 that every state had programs available to students with special needs.