Tecnology part 2

  • The telescope

    The telescope
    the optical instrument that allows to observe distant objects in much more detail than at a glance
  • Advanteges of the telescope

    Advanteges of the telescope
    A major advantage of the telescope is the impact it had on space science
    Another advantage is its size not as large as the current one, it is easy to transport to places where it can be properly looked for
    The number of lenses it has allows you to see much more than just one more optimized
  • Disadvanteges of the telescope

    Disadvanteges of the telescope
    The number of lenses is also a disadvantage since you have to manufacture too many and its process is very slow
    Another of these disadvantages is its long and tedious construction process, since previous knowledge was needed to build this
    Its biggest disadvantage is its danger that entails its use, since if it is aimed directly at the sun could have harsh eye effects
  • Modern cooling system

    Modern cooling system
    This system evacuates heat from the engine to the atmosphere through the surrounding air. Modern refrigeration systems are designed for internal combustion engines to maintain a homogeneous temperature between 82 ° C and 113° C.
  • Advantages of the modern cooling system

    Advantages of the modern cooling system
    The first visible advantage is its usefulness, as it serves to cool modern car engines
    Another advantage is its utility, besides refining motors can serve to cool other things like environments or objects
    A great advantage of this invention is the advance it had with respect to the technology of the epoch, this invention was very revolutionary
  • Disadvantages of the modern cooling system

    Disadvantages of the modern cooling system
    A big disadvantage is the size and the little effectiveness it has compared to what it occupies inside the engine
    Another disadvantage is its manufacturing cost since at that time its material was not cheap
    Due to its size the modern cooling system occupied a large part of the same engine, and occupies a large space for ambient cooling