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Tech in the 2000's

  • Period: to

    Tech in the 2000's

  • The FIRST iPod

    The FIRST iPod
    1. 2001
    2. iPod
    3. Steve Jobs
    4. The first, ever iPod is launched! It was the first device of its kind. It held 1000 songs and has a 10-hour battery life.
  • GameBoy Advance SP

    GameBoy Advance SP
    1. 2003
    2. Gameboy Advance
    3. Nintendo
    4. The GameBoy Advance is created! Nintendo revolutionizes handheld gaming with the latest device. No more black-and-white images or large square game cartridges.
  • PSP

    1. 2005
    2. PSP
    3. Sony
    4. Sony launches their first ever handheld device- the PSP. At the time it competed with the Nintendo DS. I only knew 1 person who had one, but I do remember it being a thing.
  • Nintendo Wii

    Nintendo Wii
    1. 2006
    2. Wii
    3. Nintendo
    4. Nintendo launched their first console in 2006. It was the first device that you could play physical games with using motion sensing remotes.
  • The iPhone

    The iPhone
    1. 2007-
    2. iPhone
    3. Steve Jobs
    4. The first iPhone was released! Steve Jobs showcased this groundbreaking device by combining the iPod, phone, and internet to create one efficient device.