Technology timeline with Tv Games

  • Nintendo

    First video game player I remembering playing as a child.
  • Game Gear

    Game Gear
    First hand held game system. I had to beg my older brothers to give me a turn on road trips.
  • Super Nintendo

    Super Nintendo
    We were so excited that we could stop cleaning and blowing out all the games from what we called the Old Nintendo now.
  • Game boy

    Game boy
    Never had one of these. I had many friends and cousin that did though. Pokemon was the big game played on these.
  • Nintendo 64

    Nintendo 64
    This was the best thing ever created. The controller was so different from anything we had ever had but it changed the way games were played for me.
  • Playstation 1

    Playstation 1
    Never owned one of these but I remember always wanting one because the games were more "mature" then Nintendo games.
  • Playstation 2

    Playstation 2
    My brother bought this after he graduated and my parents thought he was dumb for spending that much money. The graphics were amazing and the game that game with was this awesome four wheeler game that we couldn't get over how realistic it was some ways.
  • Wii

    The Wii blew everyones mind because it was the first system that got you up and on your feet controlling the characters.
  • Xbox 360

    Xbox 360
    First game system I bought all on my own. This is what introduced me to online game playing with all my married brothers once the wives are to sleep.
  • Nintendo Switch

    Nintendo Switch
    I don't have one of these but my nieces and Nephews own these and they are pretty cool. They took the gameboy and game gear concept and combined it with normal system. It can do both now.