Technology development

  • My birthday

  • Period: to

    Technology development

  • Circus Charlie

    Circus Charlie
    This game is the first game I experienced.
  • Computer pentium 3

    Computer pentium 3
    I had my computer pentium 3 as my birthday gift.
  • Nexus

    I played computer game. It had roles like warrior, thief, and healer. It had much better graphic than circus charile.
  • Diablo 2

    Diablo 2
    Diablo 2 was amazing! Even though it was still 2nd person view, but it had nice music, and graphic.
  • Counter strike

    Counter strike
    This game was the revolution of games. Unlike, other games, it had 1st personal view, so I could feel like the person in the game.
  • World of warcraft

    World of warcraft
    World of warcraft is series of warcraft game, but it had MMORPG style which is many roles in game and it was 3D with awesome graphics.
  • Alot of games

    Now, we have alot of games, it seems like real life such as Battlefield 3. So many genres; TPS,FPS, RTS, MMORPG and so on.