
sylvia contitution timeline

By sylvia
  • revolutionary war begins

    revolutionary war begins
    Provincial Congress men had reunited to have a meeting in discussion to resist violation of colonial rights and this that they went house to house looking for help from men within minutes they had over 70 men that meet with Britsh men the next day and with that no one knows who shot the first shot but in result the war began
  • declaration of rights and grievances

    it staed that Only the colonial assemblies had a right to tax the colonies. (no taxation without representation).
    Trial by jury was a right, and the use of Admiralty Courts was abusive.
    Colonists possessed all the Rights of Englishmen.
    Without voting rights, Parliament could not represent the colonists
  • Boston tea party

    Boston tea party
    many men had gathered togetrher form Boston in a Btitsh colony who where going aganist the British governent and they had heard that tea was coming in and that was going to be taxed so when it did arrived there was a boycott to return all the tea and when they refused the man from Boston and gathered up to the ships to throw all the tea over board
  • First continental congress meets

    congress men had gothered together to discuss the trading with Englland and when they tried to boycott they had no responce or support on the cause
  • 2nd continental congress meets

    it was a meeting between 13 colonies in Philadelohia, Pennsylvania to discuss their rights and natural rights against all the laws and acts that the Britsh government had made
  • Declaration of indepemdence

    After we won Great Britian at war it offically made the United states independent from the british empire
  • acrticles of confederation is signed

    it was a bridge between the initial governmentof the Revolutionary period and the federal government
    dthe article stated that the confederacy will be reconized as the untited states of America and that every state had its iwn freedon and power if agreed on within their own state
  • revolutionary war ends

    it ended when the Peace Treaty was signed by the British in Paris
  • final draft of the Constitution

    The legislative branch with a bicameral Congress, an executive branch led by the President, and a judicial branch headed by the Supreme Court. Besides providing for the organization of these branches, the Constitution carefully outlines which powers each branch may exercise. It also reserves numerous rights for the individual states, thereby establishing the United States' federal system of government. It is the shortest and oldest written constitution of any major sovereign state.