Supreme court cases

  • creation of the supreme court

    creation of the supreme court
    brought about by the Judiciary act of 1789. created the supreme court and its legacy in America
  • John Jay

    John Jay
    Appointed as the first cheif justice of the supreme court.
  • John Marshall

    John Marshall
    appointed chief justice by John Adams and held the longest term of 34 years
  • Marbury vs. Madison

    Marbury vs. Madison
    this case established judicial review and strengthened the judicial branch's job description as interpreters of the constitution.
  • Fletcher vs. Peck

    Fletcher vs. Peck
    Robert Fletcher sued John Peck for selling him land that was declared invalidly aquired. The court ruled that the land Peck was selling would not be taken away because Georgia's decision to repeal its law of land sale was unconstitutional
  • Dartmouth College vs. Woodward

    Dartmouth College vs. Woodward
    New Hampshire tried to turn Dartmouth College, a private school, into a public school. the court ruled unconstitutional.
  • McCollough vs. Maryland

    McCollough vs. Maryland
    Maryland attempted to tax the second bank, but this was over ruled and it was concluded that federal laws are ultimate over state laws.
  • Gibbons vs. Ogden

    Gibbons vs. Ogden
    When New York tried to monopolize a steamboat company, the court declared this unconstitutional and set up the federal government's control of interstate commerce.
  • Cherokee nation vs. Georgia

    Cherokee nation vs. Georgia
    The Cherokee people were being forced to move west and so they challenged Georgia. the court ruled that they weren't a real nation so they could not sue.
  • Worcester vs. Georgia

    Worcester vs. Georgia
    The court ruled right after Cherokee vs. Georgia that Georgia's laws had no effect on the people of the Cherokee Nation.
  • Commonwealth vs. Hunt

    Commonwealth vs. Hunt
    The court ruled that unions were allowed to negotiate labor contrects with their employers, but it must be peaceful. Basically it established collective bargaining.
  • Dred Scott vs. Sandford

    Dred Scott vs. Sandford
    Dred Scott was sueing his owner for his freedom arguing that he had already obtained it, Dred Scott was told that since he was not a US citizen he had no right to sue. He was sent back to slavery because the court cannot take any property from anyone.