superpower relations and the cold war - GCSE Edexcel

By gcannon
  • Formation of Grand Alliance

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    Origins of the Cold War

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  • Stalin's "Bolshoi Speech"

    Accused America of using its atomic advantage for imperialism. Claimed atomic bomb caused the firm position of the cold war.
  • The Tehran conference

    A conference was held in Iran to improve allies' relations. A success for Stalin, he sided with Roosevelt (who was ill). Churchill felt left out - e.g. he had the idea of invading through the Balkans (to prevent the Red Army from taking Eastern Europe) but this was rejected.
    Agreements: Britian&USA agreed to invade France in May 1944 (2ndfront)
    USSR waged war against Japan after the German defeat
    UN would be set up post-war
    Also-There were US and British tensions because of British Imperialism.
  • "The Fateful Hour" Speech, Harry Truman

    In this speech Truman contrasted the USSR which he described as as place that "relies on terror and oppression" and the USA which he described as having "freedom from political oppression".
  • Communist government set up in Bulgaria

    Late 1944
  • Hiroshima Bombing

    78,000 killed
  • The Yalta Conference

    The Allies considered what to do with Germany and Europe when they won. This was the last of the Big3 meetings(in the next 3 months Roosevelt died and Churchill lost the election).
    Decisions made-
    *Germany+Berlin would be divided into 4 zones
    *They were going to hunt down Nazi war criminals
    *Liberated countries would have free elections
    *They would join the UN to maintain peace
    *Eastern Europe would be in the Soviet 'sphere of influence'.
    Disagreed over German reparations&boarder w/P
  • Collation Government set up in Poland

  • Soviet army invaded Romania

    Jan45- Communists took part in demos against the government
    Mar45-Soviets disarmed the army and forced the king to appoint a communist gov.
    Nov46-80% communist votes
    1947- communist gov abolished the monarchy
  • Potsdam Conference

    Soviet troops hadn't removed their military presence in liberated countries. Stalin set up communism in Poland- despite the wishes of Poles/ Yalta agreement. The West continued to demilitarise post-war, unlike Poles. USA tested atomic bomb 16/7/45 and Stalin was annoyed he wasn't told earlier. Churchill replaced by Atlee during. Agreements-
    *German Zones German demilitarisation
    *German democracy
    *German operations in equipment and materials
    *The USSR 1/4 of Western industrial goods
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  • Japan tries to surrender to USA

    Rejected bc its not unconditional.
  • Nagasaki Bombing

    74,000 killed
  • Japan Surrendered

  • 'Iron Curtain Speech'

    Churchill made a speech which described an iron curtain which was an imaginary line which divided East and West Germany. Churchill suggested an alliance between the USA and Great Britain would prevent further Soviet expansion. The speech further worsened relations between the tow sides as it was seen as deliberately provocative.
  • Truman Doctrine

    A policy of financial aid to contain communism. Basically bribed countries to not be communist. Keyword- 'Domino theory' if one country falls to communism then its neighbours will too.
  • Long and Novikov telegrams

    George Kennan (USA) sent a telegram to Turman warning him about the Soviet expansion- "Long Telegram". Influenced containment. The USSR retaliated with the "Novikov Telegram" Sent to Stalin by Nikolai Novikov. This accused the USA of World domination.
  • BR announced they couldn't support Greece anymore

  • Marshall Plan

    The USA offered money/equipment and goods to states who agreed to buy US goods and allow the US to invest in their industry. George Marshall invited these countries to discuss how they would use this aid. By 1953 the US had donated $17 bill. As a result, Stalin accused the USA of using the plan for its own interests and dominate Europe to boost its economy.
  • Cominform

    Response to Truman Doctrine.The Communist Information Bureau was set up in 1947 to enable the USSR to coordinate communist parties throughout Europe. Make sure that all states in Eastern Europe followed Soviet foreign and economic policy- e.g. collectivization of agriculture. Soviets used the organisation to purge those who disagreed with Moscow..
  • Yugoslavia expelled from Cominform

    PM Tito didn't want to take orders from Stalin so was expelled. As a result, other countries applied economic sanctions. Tito challenged Stalin further by accepting Western aid.
  • Bizonia Formed

    Britian+France+USA zones of Germany
  • Trizonia

    Britian+France+USA united German zones
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    Berlin Crisis

  • Comecon

    The Council for Mutual Assistance, response to Marshall Plan. Financial support for Eastern European countries. Used to control the economies of the states, give the Soviets access to their resources and encourage specialisation.
  • NATO proposed

  • US hydrogen bomb

    This would deliver an explosion 3-5x heavier than previous bombs.
  • Communist Coup Czechoslovakia

    Supported by Stalin. Established a pro-soviet communist government.
  • Khrushchev Appointed Nagy

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  • Hungary- Nagy Replaced by Rakoski

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  • Warsaw Pact

    Military Alliance of 8 nations to counter the threat of NATO. Intensified the arms race.
  • Khrushchev's Secret speech

    Said he was going to give people in Soviet countries more power and freedom. Denounced Stalin's policies - "destalinisation" Sacked Rakoski in Hungary.
  • Riots in Budapest

    People were upset over a bad harvest and food shortages.
  • Intercontinental ballistic missile

  • Khrushchev's Ultimatum

    All of Berlin belonged to East Germany and occupying troops must leave within 6 months.
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    Cold War Crisis

  • Fidel Castro established Cuba as a Communist Nation

  • Geneva Summit

    Failed to meet an agreement about Berlin Problem.
  • Camp David

    Disarmament was discussed and they agreed on a further meeting about Berlin.
  • U2 spy plane shot down by USSR

    The pilot captured a put on trial
  • Bay of Pigs Invasion

    Cuban exiles back by the USA and Batista were landed in Cuba to overthrow Fidel Castro.
  • Vienna Summit

    Kruschev demanded that Western Forces leave Berlin but Kennedy refused.
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  • Missiles spotted in Cuba

    Missiles spotted in Cuba
    On 16/10/62 a US U2 spy plane discovered ICBMs in Cuba which had been sent by the USSR despite the fact that Kruschev had promised not to send them. Kennedy commissioned a council to deal with the crisis.
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    Cuban Missiles Crisis

  • Quarantine (blockade) of Cuba

    Quarantine (blockade) of Cuba
    US naval boats surrounded Cuba to buy time to negotiate a missile withdrawal.
  • Hotline between Moscow and Washington set up

    In the aftermath of the Cuban Missile Crisis a hotline was set up to prevent further miscommunication.
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    Lyndon B. Johnson

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  • Dubeck replaced Novotny (Czechslovakia)

    Unpopular Novotny (1953-1958) was replaced by more liberal and popular Dubeck (1968-69).
  • Brezhnev Doctrine

    The Soviet Union had the right to invade any country in the whole of the Easter Block and declared all member parties of the doctrine had to remain a part of the Warsaw Pact. Redefined communism as a one-party system and sent a message to members of the Warsaw Pact that the USSR would suppress any attempt to relax communist control.
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    Prague Spring

    Period of reduced censorship, free speech and limited actions of free speech. In summary a series of liberal reforms.
  • Soviet invasion of Czechoslovakia

    Soviet tanks arrived in Czech... Brezhnev justified his actions in the Brezhnev doctrine (he can invade any Eastern European country).
  • Dubcek (Czechoslovakia) arrested and taken to Moscow

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    End of Cold War

  • SALT 1

    Strategic Arms Limitations Treaty. USA and USSR agreed to limit the number of nuclear weapons on each side.

    Strengths- Showed both sides were willing to discuss
    Weaknesses- Both sides still has enough nuclear weapons and the treaty didn't cover all types of weapons.
  • Nixon visits Brezhnev

  • Brezhnev visits Nixon

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    Yom Kippur war

    Isreali-Arab war. Syria and Egypt made a surprise attack on Isreal. After the attack, Nixon sent equipment to Isreal. Brezhnev wanted the US+USSR to help Egypt together but Nixon rejected the plan. Then Nixon put all US forces on alert. Nixon suggested that the** UN would help intervene **and Brezhnev agreed.
  • New SALT 2 talks

  • Helsinki Accords

    Countries from NATO and the Warsaw Pact met and agreed:
    -Boarders are permanent and can't be changed by force
    They would try to improve relations through trade agreements and a joint space mission
    -To respect human rights (freedom of speech, religion...)
    Strengths- Both sides pleased with the agreements
    Weaknesses- No way USSR would follow human rights.
  • USA and USSR joint space mission

    2 US and 2 soviet astronauts shook hands in space. Showed the desire of both sides to peacefully coexist.
  • Communism seizes power in Afghanistan

    The People's Democratic Party of Afghanistan overthrew the Afghan government. Taraki became PM. In the first 18 months, the governments imposed communist-style reforms.
  • Amin overthrew Taraki, declared himself president

  • Amin shot and replaced

    Replaced by Babrak Kamal
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    USSR invades Afghanistan

    More than 50k Soviet troops were sent to Afghanistan to 'protect' the People's Democratic Republic of Afghanistan from the mujahadeen
  • Carter Doctrine

    The Carter Doctrine stated that the USA was prepared to use force to stop any country from gaining control over the oil-rich states of the Middle East.
  • Moscow Olympics Boycotts

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    Ronald Reagan

  • Nur Muhammed Taraki Assisinated

    Amin (Afgahn politicain) has Taraki assasignate.
  • Glasnot introduced

    Openness with communist policy- allowed countries to have opposition parties, permitted criticism of government officials and allowed the media freer dissemination of news and information.
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  • Geneva Summit

    Gorbacheva and Regan met for the 1st time and established a good relationship.
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    Restructuring communist policy
  • Reykjavik Summit

    Gorbachev proposed weapons if the USA gave up their SDI program. No formal agreements but improved relations.
  • Washington Summit

    Intermediate Range Nuclear Force Treaty (INF)- Both countries would abolish missiles within 500-5,000km
  • Berlin Wall Opens

  • Moscow Summit

    INF treaty details resolved, reduced warsaw pact and Soviets would cease-fire in Afghanistan.
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    Mikhail Gorbachev

  • Malta Summit

    Gorbachev met with George Bush. No agreements were made but the meeting was seen as the end of the cold war.
  • Germany Reunified