Mexican free tailed bats flying

Stellaluna - Nadira Colbert

  • Exposition

    The mother of Stellaluna gets attacked by an owl while holding her. She accidentally drops Stellaluna and Stellaluna lands on a branch. She hangs upside down on the branch until daylight. She then falls landing in a birds nest.
  • Rising Action

    Rising Action
    She meets the three baby birds and is welcomed into the nest. The mother bird feeds her bugs which Stellaluna hates. She starts to act like more of a bird than a bat. She teaches the baby birds how to hang upside down and the mama bird catches them. She scowls at Stellaluna and tellls her she has to obey the rules. She learns to fly with the birds instead of her mother. Stellaluna flies with her birds friends for hours. When it gets dark they tell her to go back home with them.
  • Climax

    Stellaluna flies with her birds friends for hours. When it gets dark they tell her to go back home with them. She ignores them and flies into the night until her wings start to ache. She lands on a branch and remembers the mama bird not to hang by her feet. She hangs by her thumbs instead. Then a bat spots her and asks her why she is hanging upside down. Bats follow in behind the leading bat. Finally a bat recognizes her and sniffs her. She confirms the Stellaluna is her long lost baby.
  • Falling Action

    Falling Action
    The mother embraces Stellaluna with her wings. They fly off into the night with eachother. Stellaluna tells her mom that she must visit her bird friends. She visits them and tells them they should meet her bat family.
  • Resolution

    Stellaluna and her friends fly into the night. The birds cannot see and start to fly wildly. She sees that and scoops them up with her feet and landing on a branch to safety. She wraps her wings around them protectively annd tells them just because they're different doesn't mean we can't be friends.