Stellaluna - Christine Huynh

  • Exposition

    The characters are Stellaluna and her mother.
    The setting takes place in a forest which were the mother bat and Stellaluna lives.
  • Rising Action

    An Owl tries to hurt them during their flying. Stellaluna drops to the forest. She saw birds and she tries to do everything they do.
  • Climax

    The mother bat then finds Stellaluna hanging the opposite then what bats usaully hang like. The mother takes Stellaluna and shows how bats live.
  • Falling Action

    Falling Action
    Stellaluna comes back to the birds and told told them how bats fly. The birds tried to fly at night. The birds couldn't because they can't see at night like Stellaluna does.
  • Resolution

    Stellaluna realized that she is a bat. She does what bats do. Her mother takes care of her and she finally does what bats do. She is still friends with the birds. She is fine being different.