Sped 1

Special Education in America

  • Brown v. Board of Education

    Brown v. Board of Education
    This court case lead the way for integration among public schools, "separate but equal" no longer stood. This ruling clearly defines that children cannot be exluded from school based on exceptionalities.
    Reference: Bryant handout
  • Mills v. Board of Education of the District of Columbia

    Mills v. Board of Education of the District of Columbia
    A class action suit filed by seven students' parents that were denied an education due to an exceptionaility. The aftermath of this case is that all children have a right to a free public education regardless of exceptionalities.
    Reference: Wood text
  • Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act

    Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act
    Section 504 guarantees services to people with exceptionalities if their exceptionality limits one or more major life activities (ie. schooling) This mandated accomodations within schools and society.
    references: Wood text, Bryan handout
  • EHA: Education for All Handicapped Children

    EHA: Education for All Handicapped Children
    EHA was designed to ensure that all students with disabilities get an appropriate and free education in the least restrictive environment; which means that all children are taught together to the maximum extent.
    References: Wood text, online source
  • Rowley v Hendrick Hudson School District

    Rowley v Hendrick Hudson School District
    This case is about a little girl that is deaf and needed extra assistance in her classroom, when she was denied her parents sued. This was one of the first cases to contend the Education for All Handicapped Children Act and played a part in defining what "an appropriate education" should look like.
    Reference: online source
  • EHA (reauthorized)

    EHA (reauthorized)
    The ammendments to the EHA were made to include infants and toddlers to receive services and add the requirement of an IFSP (Individualized Family Service Plan).
    Reference: Wood text
  • Doe v. Withers

    Doe v. Withers
    Supreme court case in which a teacher failed to carry out an IEP as detailed by the IEP team. The implications: teachers are responsible to carry out the assistance and accomodations laid out in the a students' IEP.
    Reference: Bryant handout
  • No Child Left Behind Act of 2001

    No Child Left Behind Act of 2001
    NCLB requires states to develop standards and test students annually based on those standards. Students with exceptionalities participate in these tests and disctricts are held accountable for test scores.
    Reference: Wood text
  • IDEA '04 (reauthorized)

    IDEA '04 (reauthorized)
    The reauthorization of IDEA added many provisions, including; highly qualified teachers, identification procedures, and accomodation of state wide tests for students with exceptionalities.
    References: Bryant handout