
Spanish Exploration

  • Aug 3, 1492


    Columbus went sailing to find india and asia for spices, but he ended up finding the new world. When he died he didn't know he found the americans. He ended up exploring the Bahamas and Caribbeans.
  • Jan 1, 1519


    Cortez left to find lots of gold in the new world and he landed in mexico. He conquered the aztec empire and took back tons of gold. He started exploration in north America.
  • Oct 25, 1519


    Pineda wanted to find a water route to the pacfic and he ended up not finding a route. He did map the coast of florida to texas which caused others to explore there.
  • Nov 6, 1528

    De Vaca

    De Vaca
    Cortez set off to find gold in florida and the original leader of this mission was narvez but he died. he was the first to explore texas and got trust from indians for performing surgery. he turned out to crash land on galveston island.
  • Jan 1, 1539


    Desoto went to find gold and he searched through Florida to Texas. he discovered the Mississippi river and made spain not return to texas for 150 years.
  • Apr 27, 1539

    Frar Marcos

    Frar Marcos
    Frar Marcos went to study the north and verify the 7 cities of gold. He explored Texas and New Mexico and said he saw the 7 cities of gold. Coranado goes to find the 7 cities afterwards.
  • Jan 1, 1540


    He left to find the 7 cities of gold and later Quivera. He explored 5 states looking for the 7 cities. He went through Texas, Arizona, New Mexico, Kansas, Okllalahoma. Coronado found the Palo Duro Canyon and the Grand Canyon. He was the first to say don't go to Texas.