Spanish exploration

  • Jan 1, 1492

    Columbus first voyage

    Columbus first voyage
    he was looking for india but he landed in the bahamas the natives there he named indians because he thought he was in indian
  • Jan 1, 1519

    pinedas voyage

    pinedas voyage
    he mapped the coast from florida to mexico this is impotant because people wanted to explore his map
  • Jan 1, 1519

    Cortes voyage

    Cortes voyage
    he conquered the aztec indians in mexico this is important beacause in mexico he found lots of gold.
  • Jan 1, 1528

    De vaca start voyage

    De vaca start voyage
    he was the leader of 50 men and esteban he was exploring pinedas map
  • Jan 1, 1537

    De vaca discovers texas

    De vaca discovers texas
    he ended up in galveston because he went through a gale and was literally tossed ashore and the indians were very nice to them and he was there for 7 years.
  • Jan 1, 1539

    fray marcos and esteban

    fray marcos and esteban
    they were exploring because they were trying to find the city of gold, esteban was going to the zunis because he wantd goods and their women but the zunis didnt go with that so they killed him, after that fray marcos reported seeing a city of gold bigger than mexico city on a cliff
  • Jan 1, 1539

    Moscosos expidition

    Moscosos expidition
    desoto was the leader but died so moscoso became leader and dumped desotos body in the misssissippi so the indians wouldnt find it so he discovered mississippi he and desoto were searching for gold he stopped most exploring into texas
  • Jan 1, 1540

    Coronados expidition

    Coronados expidition
    he was looking for the city of gold fray marcos reported but it wasnt gold just an indian village the indians wanted him away so a turk supposedly told of quivera a city run by amazon women the turk tricked him so coronad killed him. coronado is important because he discovered the palo duro and grand canyon.