Outer space stars

Space Missions

  • Sputnik

    Who: Soviet Union
    Where: Space
    Importance: The world's first man made satellite, which marked the start of the space age and the U.S. space race.
  • Explorer

    Who: NASA
    Where: Space
    Importance: The first space satellite of the United States.
  • Mercury

    Who: NASA
    Where: Orbit around Earth
    Importance: Carried the first astronaunts into space
  • Viking

    Who: NASA
    Where: Mars
    Importance: The first succesful mission to Mars with data returned to Earth.
  • Space Shuttle

    Space Shuttle
    Who: NASA
    Where: Space
    Importance: Humanity's first reuseable spacecraft
  • Magellan

    Who: NASA
    Where: Venus
    Importance: Made the first global map of the surface of Venus as well as global maps of the planet's gravity field.
  • Hubble

    Who: NASA
    Where: Above Earth's Atmosphere
    Importance: Gives us a view of the universe that typically far surpasses that of ground-based telescopes.
  • Ulysses

    Who: NASA
    Where: The Sun
    Importance: Mission was to orbit the Sun and study it all latitudes. In addition several comets were studied by the Probe.
  • International Space Station

    International Space Station
    Who: NASA
    Where: Space
    Importance: Serves as a microactivity and space environment research laboratory sending information back to Earth.
  • Mars Odyssey

    Mars Odyssey
    Who: NASA
    Where: Mars
    Importance: The first systematic observations of how morning fogs, clouds, and surface frost develop in different seasons on Mars.
  • Aqua

    Where: Space
    Who: NASA
    Importance: A research satellite in orbit around Earth, studying the precipatation, evaporation, and cycling of water.
  • Kepler

    Where: Space
    Who: NASA
    Importance: To find planets around other stars, called exoplanets, in search of potentially habitable worlds.
  • Dawn

    Who: NASA
    Where: Space
    Importance: To study the asteroid belt, the protoplanet Vesta, and the Dawf planet Ceres.
  • Aquarius

    Who: NASA
    Where: Above Earth's Atmosphere
    Importance: Observes Earth's seas' from space

    Who: NASA
    Where: The Moon
    Importance: Has uncovered the orgin of massive invisable regions that make the moons gravity uneven, a phenomenon that affects the operations of lunar-orbiting spacecraft.