
Space history

By 23037
  • Feb 19, 1543

    Nicolaus Copernicus Made a Model Of The Solar System

    Nicolaus Copernicus Made a Model Of The Solar System
    People thought that the earth was in the middle of the solar system but Nicolaus made a model of the solar system and he found out that the sun was in the middle of the solar system.
  • First Ever Telescope Made

    First Ever Telescope Made
    The first ever telescope that was made, was invented in Holland by Hans Lippershey. A Lippershey was a Dutch spectecle maker.
  • Galileo Looked Through A Telescope

    By 1609 Galilieo heard about the telescope that Hans made so he was the first one to look through the telscope. He studied with the telescope to study space
  • First Telescope With 7 Lenses.

    Sir Isacc Newton made a clear telescope with 7 lenses. But it was difficult to use
  • First Animals To Be Launched Into Space

    First Animals To Be Launched Into Space
    The first animals sent into space were fruit flies aboard a U.S. launched V-2 rocket on February 20, 1947 from White Sands Missile Range, New Mexico
  • First Monkey To Go To Space

    First Monkey To Go To Space
    albert 11, was the first monkey to go to space. He was an experiment aswell as Laika.
  • First Mouse To Be Launched Into Space

    On August 31, 1950, the U.S. launched a mouse into space aboard a V2 (the Albert V flight, which, unlike the Albert I-IV flights, did not have a monkey), but the rocket disintegrated because the parachute system failed. The U.S. launched several other mice in the 1950s.
  • First Satelite To Be Launched Into Space

    First Satelite To Be Launched Into Space
    In 1957 the first ever satellite was launched into space by the clever Russians. The satellite was called "Sputnik 1" "Sputnik means "satellite" in Russian
  • Dog Went To Space

    Dog Went To Space
    The first living thing to go into space was a dog name Laika, aboard a Russian satellite. She went by her self without a human. She was used for an experiment to see if it is okay to go up in space.
  • Yuri Gagarin, first man to orbit earth

    Yuri Gagarin, first man to orbit earth
    In 1961, a man called Yuri Gagarin went to space but sadly, he lasted only 2 hours. He was the first ever man to orbit earth.
  • First woman to go to space

    First woman to go to space
    In 1963 the first women went to space. TI was on 50 years a go from now. She went on vostok 6 to the moon. She was an important member of government too. She has been awarded mant prizes for her brave behavour.
  • USA ranger launched into space

    USA ranger launched into space
    In 1964, They launched the first ever USA ranger into space.
  • Apollo 11 Launched Into Space, With Neil Armstrong

    Apollo 11 Launched Into Space, With Neil Armstrong
    The great Neil Armstrong, was the first to step on the moon on the 21st of July 1969. He had to wait 6 hours because they had to make sure that it's safe to go outside and it's not a quick process. He only got to walk 2 hours on the moon so he could get back home and study about the moon. He walked on the moon, 2 in the morning in American time.
  • Hubble Telsecope First Launced

     Hubble Telsecope First Launced
    The Hubble telescope first launched in 1990. They used the telescope to study space more. When they launched it, they reliesed that it had a lot of problems. They sent astronauts to fix it but even before it was repaired, it was sendng back pictures.
  • Gamma Ray Burst

    Gamma Ray Burst
    In 1999, a gamma ray, was found by the Compton Gamma ray Observatory.
    The picture is from this website
  • Millionaire Tourist Around Space

    Millionaire Tourist Around Space
    A great millioaire was the first man to have a tour all around space. He had to train 900 HOURS to be a passenger.