Space Exploration Timeline

  • First telescope

    First telescope
    The first telescope was created by Hans Lipperhey. He was a Dutch grinder, he created it by combining 2 lens together.
  • Period: to

    Space Exporation Timeline

    This Timeline is about all of the inventions during the history of astronomy.
  • First time seeing the Moon’s creators

    First time man abserbed craters on the Moon, Satellites around Jupiter and witnessed the phase of Venus like those of the Moon.
  • First reflecting telescope

    First reflecting telescope
    Issac Newton built the first successful reflecting telescope.
  • The discovery’s of Uranus

    The discovery’s of Uranus
    William Herschel discovered the planet Uranus. He used a mirror telescope he had made by himself.
  • Discovery of Ceres

    Discovery of Ceres
    A man named Guiseppe Piazzi discovered Ceres, the first known astriod.
  • Wright Brother made the frist successful flight

    Wright Brother made the frist successful flight
    In 1903 the first successful flight was made by the Wright Brothers at Kitty Hawk.
  • Sputnik 1 was launched

    Solveit Union Lanched Sputnik 1
  • First spacecraft to reason the moon

    First spacecraft to reason the moon
    Luna 1 was the first space craft to reach the moon on January 2nd. Later Luna 2 was the second space craft to be launched in the direction in the Moon on September 12th.
  • First close range pictures

    U.S. Ranger 7 relays the first close-range photographs of the Moon on July 31
  • The first space walk

    The first space walk is made from Soviet Voskhod 2 by Cosmonaut Alexi A Leonorv Duration is 12 minutes
  • First person killled in space

    Solveit Soyuz 1 is launched, carry Valdimir M Komarov. On April 24 it crashed, killing Komarov, the frist space flight fatality - Arpril 23
  • Frist moon landing 19

    Frist moon landing 19
    Neil Armstrong and Edwin Aldrin Jr make the first manned soft landing on the Moon, and the first moonwalk, using Apollo
  • Venera 13

    Venera 13
    Venera 13 lands on Venus, and provides the first Venusian soil analysis.
  • The Challenger

    The Challenger
    The space shuttle Challenger lifts off for its first mission and has the first Americans space walk in nine years.
  • First U.S women in space

    First U.S women in space
    Sally K Ride is the first U.S women to travel in space on the Challenger mission STS - 7
  • New comments, asteroids, galaxies, and dust rings

    The infrared Astronomical Satellite finds new comets, asteroids, galaxies, and dust rings around the star Vega that may be new planets
  • First European tomake 2 space trips

    First European tomake 2 space trips
    Thomas Reiter becomes the first European Space Agency astronaut to make 2 spacewalks (both from the Russian Mir space station). His space walks before was on October 1995. It lasted 5 hours and 11 minutes.
  • Columbia is disintegrated

    Columbia is disintegrated
    Space shuttle Columbia disintegrated above Texas during its way back to Earth, killing all 7 members.