Space Exploration

By Pedee28
  • Sputniks launch

    Sputniks launch
    This was a satelite that the Soviet Union launched. This was a special occasion because it was the first satelite in space. Fun fact it also only took 8 minutes to orbit the earth.
  • Sputnik 2 launch

    Sputnik 2 launch
    Sputnik 2 was a satelite the size as Sputnik 1. This is a special occasion because it mean't that Soviets have launched another satelite and were winning the cold war ( Space War ).
  • Explorer 1 launch

    Explorer 1 launch
    This was as meduim sized satelite that justed afloted in space. This was a special occasion because it was the first satelite that the USA launched into space.
  • Vostok 1 Launch

    Vostok 1 Launch
    This was A spacecraft to fit a crew. This was a special occasion because it was the first man flight and it orbited the earth.
  • Freedom 7 Launch

    Freedom 7 Launch
    This was a space craft shaped into a capsule. Alan Shepard flew this 82 foot tall space craft into space. This was such a special moment because it sent hope to the USA. It was also the first man flowen space craft by the USA. It also suborbital in 15 minutes.
  • John F Kennedy's speech

    John F Kennedy's speech
    This was special beacuse it helped JFK with everybodys trust. It also started how we got to the moon.
  • Freindship 7

    Freindship 7
    John Glen flew a little one person capsule. He orbited the Earth with that capsule. This was such a big deal because we were then winning in the space war.
  • Apollo 11 launch

    Apollo 11 launch
    It was a three person spacecraft. This was such a special occasion because we were winning the space war big time now and we just landed on the moon.
  • Apollo missions to the moon

    Apollo missions to the moon
    This was a special occasion because we won the war on the first Apollo mission (Apollo 11). Also it showed that the USA is a over powering and smart country. We sent six different missions/spacecraft to the moon over the span of like 10 years.
  • NASA Space Station on the moon

    NASA Space Station on the moon
    This Space Station is the largest man made thing in space. The ISS is as large as a football field also weighs 420 tons. This was a special occasion because we could have people living in space and work in space. It was also a big accomplishment because we recored for the biggest man made thng in space. There was also no site said when it was right on made likethe striaght date.