
Sources of the Democratic Tradition

  • 700 B.C.- Athens and Democracy

    The rise of Athens led to the birth of democracy. Athens focused on its individual people and stressed some rights such as citizenship for males. Democracy is government by the people. One of the effects was the legislature which is used in court. Though it was limited it still started something new that had a big impact. We have a demcratic political pary in the U.S. as well.
  • 567 B.C.- Rule of Law

    Aristotle preffered government by the many, but was suspicious about democracy. This led to his Rule of Law which says that even people fron high rankings aren't exempt from the law. We still use the method today. Our own president isn't exempt from the law. One of our previous presdients ran into some political issues, but that doesn't mean he got away whith it easily.
  • 345 B.C.- Alexander the Great

    Alexander the Great preserved many greek ideas on democracy. This eventually led to the start of the Hellinistic Age. Though many ideas were lost, Alexander managed to preserve many ideas that still continued to spread such as Greek codes of behavior. Stoics arose to teach the art of persuasion whic his still used today during elections and debates.
  • 700s B.C.- Roots of Democracy

    The rise of city-states started the rise of democracy. City-states were very hard to govern, so it started out as a monarchy. Eventually it became democratic. Democracy is government by the people which led to many changes. City-states seem to resemble our modern day states. Democracy is also widely used across the country including the U.S. Our own Barack Obama is a democratic.
  • 509 B.C.- New Government

    When the Etruscans were driven out by the Romans, a new form of government arose called the republic. People are chosen to represent a the people as a whole. Today, we have two political parties called the Republicans and Democratics. The idea of a republic came from the Romans.
  • 450 B.C.- Demand for Equality: 12 Tablets

    The demand for equality became higher and higher as the republic expanded. One of effects was the 12 tablets. The 12 tablets were 12 tablets with the first ser of written laws set out for the public to see and follow. Plebians gained the power to veto laws, elect their own officials, spots on the senate. Our governtment has the power to veto laws if they seem unfit. We also have a senate as well.
  • 44 B.C.- Influence of Caesar's Death

    The death of Caesar led to his grand-nephew's rule over Rome. He the very first citizen of Rome and spread democratic beliefs in the conquered areas. Shortly after his rule, the Roman Law came up and created to systems. One of the most influential laws was the natural law. The natural law applied to citizens in Rome. Our law is like the Roman law because it applies to everyone who is a citizen.
  • 527-565 -Justinian's Code

    Justinian reformed the Roman law code by collecting all the Roman laws that were passed. Laws that weren't necessary were taken out. This reformation of laws influenced Western civilization by setting up the basic code for legal systems of most modern countries such as the United States.
  • 63 B.C.- Conquer of Jerusalem

    The conquer of Jerusalem by the Romans led to the spread of the principles of Juadaism. Ideas about morality spread throughout the nation. This spread led to many ideas on democracy like equality through faith, women inheritance, and individual righs. Many of these rights are still used to today such as in the U.S. Constittution.
  • 2000 B.C.- Ancient Israelites

    Abraham and his family migrated in 2000 B.C. near the easter Mediterranean coast. He founded the Israelite nation. His founding led to the start of the principles of Judaism whcih set up the foundation for Christianity. Judaism principles were spread such as morality around nations which influenced democratic ideas such as woman inheritance, people are equal, the limitations on piunishment, and individual rights.
  • 1000 B.C.- Israel

    The Israelites arose when David united fighting tribes into a single nation. His son made Jerusalem into a capital with a great temple dedicated to God. He increased the nation's influence by expandidn in Egypt iand Mesopotamia. Furhter conflicts led to division and forced Israelites into exile. This also helped spread their beliefs in which we still use today.
  • 586 B.C.- The Disapora

    The Babylonian Captivity led to the disapora or the dpread of Jews. Many returned home to Judea or migrtaed to another place spreading their beliefs in the end of the captivity. This led to the rise of Christianity as well because of the clashing between groups. Without the clashing we wouldn't have Christianity which influenced many democratic decisions.
  • 4 B.C.- Birth of Jesus

    The birth of Jesus, the messiah, in 4 B.C. led to the rise of Christianity because he was the savior sent from God to lead the Jews to freedom. His teachings influenced many greek philosophers who came up with ideas about democracy. The freedom of Jews also led to a foundation of Christianity. The teachings of Jesus led to many ideas for democracy such as equal rights and the right to practice any belief.
  • 313 A.D.- End of Christian Persecution

    When Constatine ended the persecution of Christians ,by the influence of his mother, he gave freedom of worship to all citizend of the Roman Empire. This influenced our decision to give the tight to practice any belief in the U.S. It also falls under the American Bill of Rights.
  • 500-1500 A.D.- The Christian Church

    The Apostle Paul started spreading Christianity when he recieved a vision in which Jesus spoke to him. Paul spread the Christian belief beyond Jewish community. It helped sparate Christianity from Judaism. The Christian Church became very powerful and influenced Europe greatly and had a great effect on democracy. The beliefs set up ideas about rights and equality among people.
  • 1300s- The Judeo-Christian Tradition

    The spreading of Judaism and Christianity influenced many democratic ideas. such as equality among the common people. Christianity has helped abolish slavery, obtain equal rights, and made is on the amendment. Juadaism contributed a lot to the Christian belief .
  • 1164- The King's Court

    King Henry II of England put to use the control over the church in 1164 through a document that led to early establishment of Parliament. Parliment limited the power of the monarchy, and without Parliament the production of the Magna Carta, the ENglish Bill of Rights, and the American Bill of Rights wouldn't have happened.
  • 1215- The Magna Carta

    King John had given his people high taxes and they were fed up up. The common people decided to write the Magna Carta to establishh that the power of the monarch isn't absolute and to end some acts that king has done.Three rights were stablished which are: the right to a trial by a jury of one's peers, protection from the arbitrary taking of life, liberty or property, and the right to private property. The American BIll of Rights follows some these rights such as the right to private property.
  • 1337-1453 The Hundred Years' War

    France and England battled for 100 years over land claims, politics, and other issues. Parliment ended up gaining power to approve any new taxes, and limit the power of the monarchs.Up to World War II, cavalry was still used after the change of military tactics after THe Hundred Years' War.
  • 1689- The English Bill of Rights

    The English Bill of Rights is a list of demands that William and Mary had to approve. Some ideas from the Magna Cart and Petition of Right were repeated. Some of the things that were added was: the right to bear arms, no excessive bail, no excessive fines, and no cruel punishment. We can find the right to bear arms under the second amendment and is currently an issue for the U.S. as well.