Sofia C

  • Ambrose Burnside was born

    Ambrose Burnside was born
    Ambrose was born on May 23, 1824
  • Where he went to school

    Where he went to school
    Burnside went to school at a U.S. MIlitary Academy, West Point. He was nearly dismissed after several demerits because he struggled to adapt to military life in 1843.
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    Important Battles

    He fought in the Battle of Antietam in 1862 and the Battle of Fredericksburg in 1862 as well.
  • Battle of Crater

    Battle of Crater
    It took place in Petersburg, VA. The leaders were Colonel Henry Pleasants, General Edward Ferrero, General James H. Leddie, and Lt. General Ulysses S. Grant. This was fought because the wanted to protect a crater which led to trench warfare. The confederacy side won which wasn't the side Burnside was on, he supported the union. 352 people died in that battle.
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    After war

    After the war he served as a railroad director and as a U.S. senator and governor of Rhode Island and then was elected U.S. senator in 1874
  • Ambrose died

    Ambrose died
    Ambrose died in his hometown of Bristol, Rhode Island at 57 on September 13, 1881