Social Studies Timeline (Due October 24th @ 12am)

  • United States Declares Independence

    Following a decade of agitation over taxes and a year of war, representatives make the break with Britain. King George III isn’t willing to let his subject go without a fight, and loyalists sentiment remain strong. Americans primary allowed allegiance is to their states.(Boost)It was the first time in world history a new nation based on the first principles of the rule of law, unalienable rights, limited government, the social compact, equality, & the right to alter or abolish their government.
  • Battle Of Saratoga

    General John Burgoyne’s attempt to separate the rebellious new England colonies from those further south and in a spectacular failure. The surrender of 6000 British regulars at Saratoga will shock London and help induce France to enter the war on the American side. (Boost) this battle had a major impact because it was the turning point in the revolutionary war. And resulted in lifting patriot morale, furthered the hope for independence, and helped to secure the foreign support needed to win.
  • British Capture Charleston

    The British take Charleston , Capture a large patriot army, and deal the rebels One of their worst defeats of the war. The Charleston move is part of A broader British strategy to hang onto the southern colonies at least, now that the wars stalemated in Pennsylvania and New York. (Boost) this is very impactful because the British gain control of south and the Americans lost many soldiers due to the surrender. (Boost 2) If one was not captured we would’ve been better off for the next battle.
  • Siege of Yorktown

    Unable to evacuate or receive reinforcements because a French fleet has driven off a British fleet, general Cornwallis is forced to surrender. Although New York and Charleston, S, C, will remain in British hands until a peace treaty is signed two years later, the war for American independence is over. (Boost) This event was very impactful Because it cemented Washington’s reputation as a great leader and was the last major battle of the American revolution.