Social Studies Events

  • WWI

    A big part of this war was trench warfare which introduced many health problems and adversities to soldiers, as well as chemical warfare such as tear gases.
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    Social Studies Important Events

  • NCSS is Founded

    National Council for Social Studies is founded to encourage and establish well rounded social studies instruction in schools.
  • Great Depression

    Great Depression
    A Depression that hit Americans really hard, and resulted in HUGE economic problems such as housing, poverty, and hunger.
  • WWII

    World War II involved the United States after the attack on Pearl Harbor, and ended with the U.S. dropping two atomic bombs in Japan.
  • Pearl Harbor

    Pearl Harbor
    Pearl Harbor Organization Website A devastating attack that was aerial based on the US shores of Hawaii to soldiers and officers who had no warning. Many died, and sunken ships from that day still relase a steady amount of oil.
  • Korean War

    A war that was not positive or as easy as the US hoped for.
  • Civil Rights

    African Americans begin more vocal and physical movements to have equal rights in the US; largely led by Martin Luther King Jr.
  • First Satellite Launched (Sputnik, Russia)

    First satellite is launched, only to be followed by thousands more in coming years.
  • Vietnam

    A war that has terrible memories for many US patriots who survived, and is still questioned for actions by the US that could have been more effectively executed.
  • First Man in Space (Yuri Gagarin, Russia)

    Race to Space begins between Russia and the US, and Russia is able to put someone into space before the US.
  • First Man on Moon (Neil Armstrong, USA)

    USA answers call to race to space and sends first group of men to land on the moon, and the first one to walk there (Neil Armstrong) under President John F. Kennedy.
  • Watergate

    Large scandal involving President Nixon that later resulted in his resignation.
  • N.C.L.B. Mandate in Schools

    No Child Left Behind is enacted in schools to mixed opinions; holds teachers more accountable for the instruction that occurs, but limits focus on subjects such as social studies, art, and music.
  • World Trade Center Attacks

    A terrorist attack on the USA involving two planes crashing into both towers of the World Trade Center.