Significant Events in Climate Change

  • Period: 900 to 1300

    The Medieval Warm Period brings warm weather to Europe.

  • Period: 1350 to

    The Little Ice Age hits part of the northern hemisphere.

  • Period: to

    Average surface air temperatures increase by 0.25 °C.

  • Studies by the US Department of Energy increases worry about future global warming.

  • First major conference on the greenhouse effect, which took place in Austria. They predicted the global mean temperature would rise (in the next century) higher than ever before.

  • Warmest year since records began.

  • Climate Change Convention, which was signed by 154 nations. It agrees to prevent “dangerous” warming from greenhouse gases.

  • The hottest year recorded to date.

  • Kyoto Protocol adopted.

  • Internationally, it is the third hottest year on record. However, Europe experiences the hottest summer for at least 500 years.

  • The polar bear is listed as an endangered species because of the risk to its habitat due to climate change.