Shay History

  • Period: to

    Age of Coal

    Enabled the rapid expansion of industrialization
  • Period: to

    Opium wars

    Resulted in European victories over the dwindling Qing empire forced to concede to western companies. Weeknd Ching state also lost control over Tributary states
  • George Perkins marsh man and nature

    Denounced humanities warfare upon nature
  • Period: to

    Led to the second industrial revolution

    Britain US and Germany as industrial powers, steel chemical and electricity as thriving industries
  • Political turmoil and repression in the late 19th century

    The assassination of Alexander II, the Siberian exile system, ethnic nationalist movements among Finns, Poles, Georgians, central Asia, etc.
  • Wilhelm II becomes emperor

    Focused on proving his strength
    -Expansion of navy to compete with Britain
    -expnasion of african colonies
    -forced bismarck to resign in 1890
    -used gunboat diplomacy
  • Defeat in the Russo Japanese war

    Humiliated the transit regime. On bloody Sunday, unarmed demonstrations were fired upon by an imperial guard in Saint Petersburg.
  • 1905 Russian revolution

    Shook the foundations of the tsanst system, calling for temporary reforms.
  • Austria Hungary seizes boznia and Herzegovina

  • Lakeview Gusher

    Eruption of pressurized oil well leading to largest accidental oil spill in history this lasted 18 months and 9 million barrels of crude oil spilled
  • Period: to

    Xinhai revolution

    Ends the Qing dynasty and leads to the formation of the Republic of China, led by Sun Yat-sen
  • balkan league declares war to free macedonia, albania and Thrace

    leads to nationalist upbringings
  • itai-itai disease

    Mass cadmium poisoning caused by mining pollution which causes severe pain, softening bones and kidney disease. Remediation efforts did not begin until 1972
  • Second Balkan War

    Balkan league turns on one another over division of territory aquired from the ottomans
  • Austria-Hungary issues ultimatum to Serbia government blaming it for the acts of terrorism by subversive movements

    Serbia denies responsibility and mobilizes army
  • Austria Hungary declared war on Serbia

  • Togol and Kamerun Campaigns

    British and French invaded the German colonies of Togo and Leameron, dividing them amongst themselves.
  • German Southwest Africa Campaign

    After an attempted German invasion of South Africa, British forces repelled the attack and occupied Germany's colonies in southwest Africa.
  • East Africa campaign

    British troops from Uganda attacked German outposts, leading to a full-scale war for control of the East African coast.
  • WWI aftermath

    8.5 dead, 21 million wounded, 7.75 million imprisoned/missing. The war cost $186 billion and nations went into deep debt. Economic recovery was stifled in Europe. It was the end of the Germany, Austria-Hungarian, Russian, and Ottoman empires. The US demonstrated its military power and new place in the world.
  • Russia enters WWI

    Russia hoped to defend Serbian sovereignty and counter Austria-Hungarian and Ottoman expansion. Russia fought a brutal war against Germany's eastern front. Socialist factions gain support among industrial workers.
  • Bosnian nationalist Gavrilo prunap assassinates arch duke Franz Ferdinand heir to the Austro Hungarian throne

  • Germany declares war on Russia

  • Germany declares war on France and Belgium

  • Britain declares war on Germany

  • Austria Hungary declared war on Russia

  • Japan declares war on Germany

  • Russia, Britain and France declare war on Ottoman Empire and US President Woodrow Wilson declares absolute neutrality

  • Ottoman empire bombs Russia ports on the black sea

  • Sensissi Campaign

    Ottoman empire convinced the Senussi order in Libya to declare Jihad against British occupied Egypt, diverting them amongst themselves.
  • Sinking of the Lusitania

    Four unarmed American merchant ships in 1917 led to a declaration of war against Germany. Wilson issued 14 points to justify intervention and war. Freedom of seas, free trade, self determination for all peoples.
  • US entry into the war

    Germany declares unlimited submarine warfare on all ships in war zones including American vessels-Germany violated pledges to acknowledge American neutrality.
  • Zimmerman telegram

    Britain intercepted a telegram from German foreign secretary to the president of Mexico proposing a German Mexican alliance to help Mexico regain territory lost to the US.
  • February revolution

    Abdication of Nicholas the second and rise of a provisional government.
  • Socialist Vladimir Lenin Returned to Russia

    From exile directing overthrow of the provisional government
  • End of the war

    US emphasis on the western front, sending 2 million soldiers to war. American forces repel German advances into France.
  • Battle of Meuseargome

    American victory. Drove Germany to surrender. Bulgaria was defeated and the Balkans were liberated. Willhelm II abdicates, and armistice finally signed which ended the war.
  • Influenza pandemic

    End of first world war link to spread, more Time sensors covered up bad news and casualties estimated between 20 to 50,000,000
  • Goose Creek oil field in Galveston Bay Texas

  • Benito Mussolini World War I veteran and journalist established the national fascist party

    Formed volunteer para military, national security volunteered militia, attracted support from nationalists, promise to prevent Communists from seizing control of the government and he was elected to Italian parliament in 1921
  • May fourth movement

    Boycott of Japanese goods to protest imperial encroachment, nationalists gained widespread support
  • Treaty Of Versailles

    Paris peace conference lead to the treaty of Versailles's and dominated by the big four including Britain France Italy in the US.
    -France and Britain were concerned about letting Germany remain strong but still wanted a healthy trade partner
  • Rise of Adolf Hitler

  • Zaian War

    Germans and Ottomans attempted to disrupt French rule in north Africa leading to a war between France and Zaian in confederation Berbers and Morocco
  • Washington Naval conference

    Determine balance of power in the Pacific between Britain and the US and Japan. Japan kept control of Manchuria agreeing not to pursue further expansion in China
  • Soviet Union of socialist republics established

    Union of 15 Socialist republics led by the Russian SFSR had an emphasis on supporting nationalism among ethnic minorities and self-determination the death of Vladimir Lenin in 1924 led to the rise of Joseph Stalin and suppression of political opposition, instituted a command economy and great purge aimed at removing perceived and real political opponents
  • New economic policy

    Limited private ownership restored, agriculture output increased, factories produced more consumer goods, government intervention to fix prices in response to inflation, focus on industrial infrastructure but was unable to catch up on the west
  • Treaty of Rapallo

    Restore diplomatic relations between Germany and Russia settling territorial disputes
  • Mussolini ordered the black shirts to replace striking socialist party workers to keep Italian economy rising

    Shortly after this King Victor Emmanuel appointed Mussolini as Prime Minister
  • Bibi Eibat Well

  • French Invasion of Ruhr Valley

    Settler attempts to seize control of the government
  • Dawes Plan

    US attempts to restructure German banks and loans it's money to repay France and Belgium. This tied European economies to the US
  • Treaty of Locarno

    Germany France Belgium Britain and Italy settled territorial disputes along Germany's western border, Germany to respect DMZ in the Rhineland and allies would remove troops, Germany allowed to join the league of nations
  • Chiang Kai Shek succeeds son after his death in 1925

  • Solon assumes full control of acting Leon Trotsky

  • Period: to

    Chinese Civil War

    Mao vies to fight feudalism with guerrilla warfare, Western powers back ROC Soviets back Mao, Japanese invasion of Manchuria in 1931 weekends ROC
  • kellogg Briand pact

    Agreement between France and US bilateral proposal of peace, declared wars of aggression illegal under international law and became long-term foundation for international law
  • Penicillin discovered by Alexander Fleming in London

  • Crisis of 1928

    Ordered police and party officials to seize surplus produce from agrarian peasants by force
  • Period: to

    First five year plan

    Expansion of military production, state quotas for industrial production, required import of foreign machinery and expertise and propaganda campaign employed to manipulate workers and managers
  • Stock market crash

  • European and Latin American banks begin to fail

  • Fulgencio Batista Rose to Military Leadership

  • US raised tariffs in 1930 to stimulate domestic production

  • Period: to

    Getulio Vargas President

    with breaks.
  • Russia mobilizes military to support Serbia

  • King of Spain exiled after Spanish citizens voted to establish a republic

    Left-wing coilition wins first elections assuming control of government and in 1933 the right wing national front assumed control
  • Japenese Expansions Begin

  • Period: to

    Second five-year plan

    Relaxed some quotas,sergei kirov a moderate politician led the charge for abandoning collectivism and in December 1934 he was assassinated in Moscow
  • Dust Bowl

    Severe dust storms brought on by drought and agriculture mismanagement. Failure to apply dryland farming techniques cause significant erosion in loose topsoil, devastation of agriculture, exacerbated issues caused by the great depression, and more than 75% of topsoil in many regions to 1940
  • 17th party congress

    Creation of 200,000 farm cooperatives
  • Maos long march

    Mass migration of communist to Shaanxi providence
  • Period: to

    Great Purge

    Stalinist elimination of all dissent.
    Police used to eliminate political opponents, fighting against counter revolutionary activity, purge the ranks of party bureaucracy, removed many high-ranking military officials, targeted nationalist leaders in the republics and estimated 1 million were killed average of 1000 a day.
  • Period: to

    Spanish Civil War

    Spanish military supported the national front and began planning an overthrow of the government. This was led by General Francisco Franco and supported by Italy and Germany. Republican army supported by the USSR and other international socialist groups. Leading Democratic powers largely neutral and in February 1939 Franco gained control of Spain and they were many casualties
  • Nanking Massacre

    Murder of 150,000 to 300,000 chinese civilians
  • Period: to

    Second Sino Japenese War

    Japanese empire seeks to expand into China
  • Nazi Soviet Pact

    Promises non-aggression between Hitler and Stalin
  • Brest Litovsk agreement

    USSR and Germany agreed to dual occupation of Poland
  • The Holocaust begins

  • pact of steel

    Alliance between fascist states of Spain Italy and Germany
  • Hitler invades Poland

    Britain France and their allies declare war on Germany and no allied defense was sent to Poland
  • USSR occupies Finland and Baltic states

    Expelled from League of Nations
  • Hitler drew up plans for invasion of the Soviet union (Operation Barbarossa

  • Nationalist party formed in 1940 elected to power in 1948

  • American scientist Norman Borlaug conducted research on disease resistant high yield varieties of wheat in Mexico

  • Italy attacks Greece

    Greek military repels Italian forces, Hitler enraged at Mussolini sends troops to occupy Greece and delayed operation barbarossa by five weeks
  • Tripartite Pact

    Creates alliance between Japan Germany and Italy and also invaded hungry Romania Slovakia Bulgaria and Yugoslavia
  • Fall of Paris

    Phillippe Petain takes over the french government and signs armistice with Germany. Vichy France established as a fascist dictatorship and ally of Nazi Germany. French free movement under General Charles de gaulle based in London seeks to liberate France. Vichy regime gains control of north african colonies
  • Hitler sends afrika korps to fight allied forces across north africa and Middle East

  • Germany invades ussr

    Germany since 3 1/2 million troops, Soviet Army unprepared and suffered heavy losses, Germany army gradually faces supply issues
  • Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor

    2335 American casualties. Same day Japan attacks Philippines Guam Hong Kong and the wake islands
  • Japan declares war on the US and Germany and Italy declared war

  • Purchased by the hooker chemical company, love canal

    Chemical dumping site
  • Operation Torch

    US and Britain launched to front attack against German forces. Allied forces occupied morocco and Algeria in November. Free France assumes control of west Africa and some Vichy commanders join with free France
  • Period: to

    Greek Civil War Threatens the balance in Europe

    Kingdom of Greece supported by US Greek communists supported by USSR, Truman feared that the laws of Greece to communism would threaten the stability of Turkey thereby expanding Soviet influence in the Middle East and communist defeated but the arms race is escalated
  • Potsdam Conference Summer

    Germany divided between allied and Soviet spheres of influence and eastern bloc countries under influence of Soviet union
  • Invasion of Iwo Jima

  • Allies issue Potsdam declaration in July 1945 clarifying terms for Japanese surrender

  • Arab league forms among six middle eastern states

    Egypt Iraq Transjordan Lebanon Saudi Arabia and Syria. To create Arab homeland and remove Jews from Palestine
  • United Nations charter

    Sovereign equality of members, transitioning non-self governing territories into democratic nation states
  • August Revolution

    Threw off French and Japanese imperial rule with Minh becoming chair of the provisional government
  • Arab League forms among six middle eastern states

  • Potsdam Conference

    No overarching peace treaty like World War I and it left the world largely divided
  • Period: to

    Nuremberg trials convict high-ranking Nazi officials

  • Period: to

    telangana rebellion

    suppressed by Nehru governement annexing hyderabad state
  • Berlin airlift first conflict of the cold war

    Soviets cut power and transportation to West Berlin, seeking to avoid armed conflict Truman organizes an airlift of supplies to West Berlin bypassing the Soviet blockade and this led to formation of the German federal republic in 1949
  • First Arab Israeli war

    Jews held territory gaining additional land from Palestine to 1949
  • Marshall Plan

    Over $13 billion in economic aid to Europe for rebuilding, aims to prove value of democracy and capitalism and modernize industry and advocate for free trade
  • Stalin plan for the transformation of nature

    Response to widespread famine, massive plan of land development and agricultural improvement in the Soviet union
  • First Arab-Israeli war

    Arab liberation Army invades Palestine Israel held its ground acquiring nearly 60% of the UN mandated territory of Palestine and this led to massive refugee crisis
  • Cold War arms race

    USSR produces atomic bomb in 1949, US hydrogen bomb in 1952, Soviet bomb in 1953. Sophia intercontinental ballistic missile in May 1957. Space race in the 1950s extends from arms race
  • Kikuya tribe organized revolts against British settlers

    Mau Mau Uprising led by Jomo Kenyatta
  • Agrarian reform law ended private ownership of land and gave it back to peasants

  • Sino Soviet Treaty

    Requests military assistance from stolen, requests to end Soviet control of Manchuria in central Asia Stalin agrees to provide aid but Mel must recognize independence of Mongolia and Soviet rule in Manchuria
  • Period: to

    Korean war

    Korea liberated from Japanese rule after World War II. Soviet union liberates the north, US liberates the south, 1948 Soviet military refuses UN workers admittance into the north to oversee elections. Two Korean nations formed, Democratic People's Republic of Korea under Kim II Sung and Republic of Korea under Synman Rhee
  • Period: to

    Indian constitution modeled after US and British Constitution

    Guaranteed universal suffrage and largest functioning democracy in the world
  • Period: to

    Green. Revolution

    Process of technology transfer to increase global agricultural production
  • Armistice signed

  • Period: to

    Virgin lands campaign

    Increased agricultural output in undeveloped land of central Asia and Siberia, import of agricultural technology and hybrid crops
  • Death of Stalin

    Stolen found dead inside his personal residence, health gradually deteriorated following World War II
  • Atomic energy act encourage development of nuclear reactors

  • Period: to

    Algerian war of independence

    FLN launch is brutal urban guerrilla war
  • 1955 freedom charter advocated multi ethnic democratic system

  • US-backed coup against emperor Boo Dai led by Prime Minister Ngo Dinh Diem

    Rigged the election in Diems favor
  • July 26 movement

    Castro developed guerrilla forces planning to overthrow Batista
  • Reforms in Poland after death of Boleslaw Beirut

    Protest crushed by Polish Army, Russian troops dispatched to Warsaw and Poland falls back in line under Soviet occupation
  • Hungarian revolt

    Oppressive authoritarian rule of Matyas Rakosi
  • Singapore gains independence from Malaysia

    Prime Minister Lee Kwan Yew lead economic reforms focused on human capital
  • Nasser nationalize the Suez Canal after US pulled funding for the Aswan dam

    And to collect tools to fund the dam project and would cost French and British investors millions of dollars
  • Price Anderson act shielded nuclear utility companies against liability claims in the event of a disaster

  • Great leap forward

    Through education industrialization and agriculture
  • Radical independence movement developed in 1958 under Patrice Lumumba

    Belgium feared losing its financial interests to nationalism
  • UN declaration on the granting of independence to colonial countries and people

    Right to self determination and calls for explicit and to colonialism
  • Creation of the Viet Cong national liberation front in south Vietnam Cambodia and Laos

  • Organization of the petroleum exporting countries OPEC

    Formed in 1960s original members were Iran Iraq Kuwait and Saudi Arabia but later added Libya UAE Algeria Nigeria Gabon Angola Equatorial Guinea and republic of the Congo
  • Great Chinese famine

    Decline in food output as a result of collectivization leads to widespread famine with millions of deaths 1959-61
  • Berlin wall constructed in 1961

  • Algerian independence granted

  • Carson's famous book silent spring feast considerable backlash from chemical and agricultural industries

  • Organization of African unity founded with 32 member states in May 1963

  • CIMMYT founded in Mexico in 1963 to study further developments in high-yield varieties

  • Kennedy creates plan to exile Diem

    Coup D'etat launched by general durong van Minh, diem captured and executed to Kennedys surpise
  • USS Maddox exchange fire with North Vietnamese boats in the gulf of Tonkin

    US claimed the Mattix was there only to maintain an American presence in Vietnam
  • Vietnam war begins

  • Six day war

    Israel completed a water project in 1964 to expand irrigation on its eastern border and in May 1967 UN peacekeepers left Sinai
  • NVA siege of US Marine base at Khe San

    US military victory but major blow to morale
  • Tet offense

    NVA and VC coordinated series of surprise attacks on 80 S. Vietnamese cities, 85,000 NVA and VC soldiers much stronger than US anticipated
  • Chile reform governement under salvador allende

    Backed by socialist and communist coilition
  • EPA founded by Nixon

  • General Augusto Pinochet Seized power

  • Yum Kippur war

    Nasir died in September 1970 succeeded by anwar el sadat.
  • Declared end of proxy battle in Vietnam

    ceasefire in effect throughout south east Asia, US would withdrawal remaining troops and US prisoners of war would be returned within 60 days
  • Love canal homeowners association lead by Louis Gibbs publicized complaints of health effects

  • Federal superfund act

    Expanded cleanup projects across the US
  • Hong Kong as a British colony until 1998