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Shakespeare Timeline

  • Period: Apr 25, 1564 to

    Shakespeare's Life

  • Apr 26, 1564

    Shakespeare's Baptism

    Shakespeare's Baptism
    This date is the first recorded date for the existence of William Shakespeare. He was most likely born in the same month.
  • Jan 25, 1582

    Shakespeare marries Anne Hathaway

    Shakespeare marries Anne Hathaway
  • Birth of 1st Child, Susanna

    Birth of 1st Child, Susanna
  • The Queen's Company

    The Queen's Company
    Acting company formed in express command of Queen Elizabeth. It was the dominant acting company for the rest of the 1580s.It was the company most directly responsible for for providing entertainment at court.
  • Twin's born to Shakespeare

    Twin's born to Shakespeare
    Judith and Hamnet were William and Ann's twins.
  • Leaves Stratford for London

    Leaves Stratford for London
    Shakespeare leaves his wife and children at Stratford and establishes himself as an actor/playwrite in London from 1587-1592.
  • Founder of the Lord Chamberlain's Men

    Founder of the Lord Chamberlain's Men
    An acting company that took the place of the Queen's Company
  • Produces Lyrical Masterpieces

    Produces Lyrical Masterpieces
    Prosperity and recognition as he is hailed as London's leading playwrite. Considered his lyrical masterpieces: Midsummer's Night Dream, Romeo and Juliet, Richard II, Merchant of Venice.
  • Shakespeare now has a coat of arms

    Shakespeare now has a coat of arms
    Shakespeare's father applied several times for a family coat of arms but was denied. A coat of arms was only given to a family that was noble or highly recognized. His father final succeedds in getting a family coat of arms. This success is attributed to Shakespeare's rise in recognition as a leading actor/playwrite.
  • Hamnet dies at age 11

    Hamnet dies at age 11
    The Black Plague was sweeping through Europe during this time, it was the cause of Hamnet's death at age 11.
  • Artistic Maturity

    Artistic Maturity
    Shakespeare's noted works: Henry IV,1,2; The Merry Wives of Windsor; As You Like It; Much Ado About Nothing; Henry V; Julius Caesar.
  • Financial Investments

    Financial Investments
    Shakespeare purchases New Place, one of the largest houses in Stratford-upon-Avon.
    The Globe Theater is built on Bankside from the timbers of The Theater- Shakespeare is a shareholder and recieves 10% of the profits.
  • Period of Tragedy and Problem Plays

    Period of Tragedy and Problem Plays
    From 1600-1608 is known as Shakespeare's period of tragedy. These plays consist of: Twelfth Night; Hamlet; Troilus and Cressida; Alls Well That Ends Well; Measure for Measure; Othello; King Lear; Macbeth; Antony and Cleopatra; Coriolanus; Timon of Athens.
  • Lord Chamberlain's Men becomes The King's Men

    Lord Chamberlain's Men becomes The King's Men
    By decree of James I, Shakespeare's troup becomes The King's Men. The company still performs at court more than any other acting company.
  • Period of the Romances

    Period of the Romances
    Shakespeare's romance titles for this time period consist of: Perciles Prince of Tyre; Chamberline; The Winter's Tale; The Tempest.
  • Publication of the Sonnets

    Publication of the Sonnets
    154 Sonnets were published. Go to
  • Shakespeare retires to Stratford-upon-Avon

    Shakespeare retires to Stratford-upon-Avon
    Shakespeare retires to New Place in Stratford-upon-Avon but works collaborately with John Fletcher on future works.
  • Shakespeare revises will.

    Shakespeare revises will.
    Shakespeare falls ill and revises his will. The cause of illness is unknown.
  • Death of Shakespeare

    Death of Shakespeare
    Shakespeare dies and is buried at Holy Trinity Church, Stratford.
    Henry VII, The Two Noble Kinsmen, and Cardenio are published.