
Sex Education in the United States

By phamp41
  • The PTA (Congress of Parents and Teachers) promotes sexuality education before puberty.

  • Sexuality Instruction for Parents

    The 4th International Congress on School Hygiene promotes publicly funded sexuality instruction for parents for the purpose of gaining support for school sexuality education
  • The Manual

    The Manual
    The Public Health Service publishes The Manual on Sex Education in High Schools.
  • The Birth of Birth Control

    The Birth of Birth Control
    The American Medical Association officially recognizes birth control as an integral part of medical practice and education.
  • The Birth Control Federation of America merger

    The National Committee for Federal Legislation on Birth Control and the Birth Control Clinical Research Bureau merged to form the Birth Control Federation of America.
  • Sexuality education an "urgent need"

    The U.S. Public Health Service labels school sexuality education an "urgent need."
  • Planned Parenthood Federation of America, Inc.

    Planned Parenthood Federation of America, Inc.
    Planned Parenthood Federation of America, Inc. is adopted as the new name for the Birth Control Federation of America.
  • Family Life Education

    The American School Health Association launches a nationwide program in family life education
  • SIECUS (Sexuality Information and Education Council of the United States) founded

    SIECUS founded by Dr. Mary Calderon to provide information and education about sexuality.
  • Title X of the Public Health Service Act

    Congress enacts Title X of the Public Health Services Act, providing funding for family planning services, educational programs, and research. The White House Conference on Children recommends "consumer-determined, publicly funded programs of 1) family life, sex and population education and, 2) voluntary family planning services and safe abortion, available for all."
  • Roe v. Wade

    Roe v. Wade
    The Supreme Court strikes down an 1859 Texas law prohibiting abortions in Roe v. Wade.
  • 20 to ristrict or abolish sexuality education

    Twenty state legislatures have voted to restrict or abolish sexuality education.
  • Advocates for Youth founded

    Advocates for Youth founded to champion efforts that help young people make informed and responsible discussions about their sexual and reproductive health
  • Adolescent Family Life Act

    Adolescent Family Life Act is passed, funding programs to promote sexual abstinence before marriage.
  • Adolescent Family Life Act

    Adolescent Family Life Act is passed, funding programs to promote sexual abstinence before marriage.
  • AIDS, a public health issue

    AIDS, a public health issue
    Dr. CE Koop, Surgeon General sent a report on HIV/AIDs to 107 million households in the USA signaling that AIDs was a public health issue, not a moral issue
  • Welfare Reform Act

    Welfare Reform Act
    Congress authorizes $250 million for abstinence-only education as part of the welfare reform act.
  • Federal abstinence-only funding is increased

    Federal abstinence-only funding is increased
    U.S. Supreme Court strikes down Texas sodomy law, and Canada joins Belgium and The Netherlands in legalizing same-sex marriage. Federal abstinence-only funding is increased by $15 million
  • Abstinence-only programs are seriously flawed

    Abstinence-only programs are seriously flawed
    The year begins with a report from NPR/Kaiser/Kennedy School of Government that shows support for balanced sexuality education at 94 percent while the Bush administration budgets $170 million for abstinence-only education. At year's end Representative Henry Waxman publishes a report that finds over two-thirds of federally- funded abstinence-only programs rely on curricula that are seriously flawed
  • 25 states rejected federal funding

    Twenty-five states have rejected federal funding for abstinence-only programs, based on evaluations that suggest that they don't have an impact on behavior.
  • Personal Responsibility Education Program

    Personal Responsibility Education Program
    Congress funds the Personal Responsibility Education Program, which provides $75 million annually for evidence-based, medically accurate, age-appropriate programs to educate adolescents about both abstinence and contraception in order to prevent unintended teen pregnancy and sexually transmitted diseases (STDs), including HIV/AIDS