Serenity's development

By tyt.ana
  • Period: to

    newborn to 1 year

    serenity should be able to:
    drink from a cup
    sit without support
    roll over
    teeth starts to come in
    play peek-a-boo
    start standing/walking with support
    say mama/dada
  • 1-3 years

    serenity should be able to:
    feed herself neatly/barely spilling anything
    start to run
    say her first and last name
    master walking
    pedaling a tricycle
    imitate words
    learns to share
    Uses more words/understands simple things
    Can name pictures of common objects and point to body parts
  • 3-6 years (preschool)

    serenity should be able to:
    Balance better\start to ride a bike
    Enjoys doing most things independently
    start reading
    draw shapes
    hop on 1 foot
    understand time and size concepts
  • 6-10 years (school age)

    serenity should be able to:
    start playing sports
    lose baby teeth
    go through puberty
    get her period
    make friends/be social
    get her own routine
    understand abstract concepts