Fk history

Semester 2 Timetoast

  • Period: to


    War between the U.S., Ottoman Empire, Belgium, Austria-Hungary and Germany.
  • Emergence of the U.S.

    Entered the international stage in the Spanish-American war at the end of the 19th century. and then joined the Allied side in WWI, and thereby emerged as a world power.
  • Little Entente

    Alliance formed by Czechoslovakia, Romania and Yugoslavia witht he purpose of common defense against Hungarian revision and the prevention of a Habsburg restoration.
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    Reign of Benito Mussolini

    Italian "Father of Facism" who sought to bring Italy back to the glory of its days of Rome. He wanted a totalitarian Italy.
  • "Mein Kampf"

    Adolf Hitler's "My Struggle" in which he stresses his eagerness to rejuvenate Germany and purify Europe of its impurities.
  • Lateran Accord

    Treaty between Rome and Italy saying that as long as the church did not interfere (in Mussolini's plans), he would allow them to continue existing unharmed.
  • Period: to

    Reign of Joseph Stalin

    Leader of the Soviet Union who led Russia along the communist path.
  • Public Purge Trials

    Successfully eliminated the major real and potential political rivals and critics of Stalin. Were the public aspect of the widespread purge that sent millions of alleged “enemies of the people” to prison camps.
  • Period: to


    Mass genocide encouraged and led by Adolf Hitler targetting the disabled, people potentially against the government, and specifically Jews.
  • Period: to

    Reign of Adolf Hitler

    German dictator who sought to make Germany the ultimate superpower. Infamous for Nazism and its affects on the Jewish population.
  • Period: to

    Spanish Civil War

    War in Spain fought between the Republicans and the Socialists.
  • Axis

    "Pact of Steel" originally formed by Germany and Italy. Eventually Japan signed also, joining the alliance on Sep. 27, 1940.
  • Nazi-Soviet Non-Aggression Pact

    Signed between Nazi Germany and the Soviet Union in Moscow.
  • Period: to


    War in which the U.S., the Soviet Union, Nazi Germany, France, China, Britain and more fought over territories, influences and ideals.
  • Beaches of Dunkirk

    Operation in which Allied forces were evactuated along the shores of Dunkirk from the imposing German forces. It was a major battle because of the enormous failure on Germany's part to have done anything catosrophic.
  • Atlantic Charter

    Charter that stated no one was to own the Atlantic, and that it was open without discrimination (introduced by U,S,)
  • Period: to

    Manhattan Project

    American project in which nuclear weapons such as atomic bombs were developed and tested.
  • Battle of Midway

    Major naval battle between Japan and the U.S. in which the Japanese naval fleet was destroyed to the point of irreplacibility.
  • Stalingrad

    Major battle on the Eastern warfront in which Axis and the Soviet Union fought, eventually forcing Axis to withdraw from the East, making it a huge turning point in the war.
  • Tehran

    Conference held in the Iran citry of Tehran. Main outcome was the Western Allies' commitment to open a second front against Nazi Germany. Also addressed the Allies' realtions with Turkey and Iran, operations in Yugoslavia and against Japan, and envisaged post-war settlement.
  • D-Day

    The largest seaborn invasion in history, beginning with the liberation of German-occupied northwestern Europe from Nazi control, and contributed to the Allied victory on the Western Front.
  • VJ Day

    Day on which it is celebrated the complete surrender of Japan during WWII.
  • Battle of the Bulge

    German soldiers attacked the allied forces when they were off-guard. However, it severely depleted Germany's forces, causing them to be too weak to maintain the Western warfront.
  • Yalta Conference

    The Big Three met for the purpose of discussing Europe's post-war reorganization. Intended mainly to discuss re-establishment of the nations of war-torn Europe.
  • VE Day

    Day on which it is celebrated the complete surrending of Germany and thereby the end of WWII.
  • Potsam Conference

    The Big Three met in Germany to decide the postwar borders of Europe and continue discussions that had taken place at the Yalta Conference.
  • Truman Doctrine

    Principle in which the US is supposed to aid whoever wherever against communist and Soviet advances
  • Molotov Plan

    System made by Soviet Union in 1947 to economically and politically aid (rebuild) Easter European countries previously aligned with them,
  • Period: to

    Cold War

    "War" between Russia and America in which they really just "glared" at one another.
  • Korea Splits

    Korea became divided on a “38 degree line” due to different ideals in government. The North was supported by the Soviet Union and the South was supported by the U.S.
  • EEC Created

    Organization formed by France, Italy, the Netherlands, W. Germany, Belgium and Luxembourg for the bettering of Europe.
  • Cuban Missile Crisis

    Crisis during the Cold War in which the U.S. sought evidence of Russia shipping missiles to Cuba, a U.S. territory.
  • German Green Movement

    Began in 1973 after sharp rise in oil prices. Focus of this environmentalist protest was nuclear power, and was directed especially at German labour, businesses, and politicians, all of whom enthusiastically endorsed its use.
  • Period: to

    Soviets Invade Afghanistan

    Sapped Soviet strength for a 10 yr period after the invasions, and 2k soldiers were killed a year. USSR collapsed. Led to glasnost.
  • EU Created

    Organization of 28 European states with an interest in maintaining a common currency and other economically-friendly things.