second world war

  • Japan expands until Manchuria

  • Italy took possession of Ethiopia, extends and invaded Albania

  • Germany entered Rome-Berlin Axis alliance whith Italy

    renewed in 1939 (pact of steel)
  • Violation of the Treaty of Versailles

    Germany expands and wants to create a big empire (Third Reich)
  • Period: to

    Italy and Germany in the Spanish Civil War

    Britain and France did not get involved
  • Japan invades China

  • Germany uses military forces to conquer Austria and Czechoslovakia

  • Munich Conference held by Hitler

  • When Hitler seized the Dancing Corridor France and Great Britain promised poland military support

  • Nazi-Soviet pact

    Pact between hitler and Stalin
  • Invasion of poland by the Nazi-Soviet pact

  • Period: to

    Axis victories

  • German army invades most of Western Europe

    Britain is the only one that resisted to Germany
  • Jews in Poland and surrounding countries to Poland Ghettos

  • Yugoslavia and Greece fall

  • Hitler Launched Operation Barbarossa

    Hitler attacks Russia
  • japan destroys the Us fleet in Pearl Harbor

    US entered the war
  • begining of the Jewish masacre in the USSR and eastern Europe

  • Americans stopped Japanese advances in the Pacific

  • United states entered im the conflict

    decisive turn in june
  • Nazis planned the Final Solution of eliminating all the Jews

  • Period: to

    Allied offensives

  • Period: to

    German assault on Stalingrad

    Hitler´s first mayor failure
  • Great Britain, USA and USSR met at the Tehran Conference

    attended by Churchill, Roosevelt and Stalin
  • Normandy landings by British and American troops

    brought many soilders and weapons into France
  • Atomic bomb was dropped in Hiroshsima and Nagasaki

    1500000 deads
  • The third peace conference was held in Postdam

    Atlee, Truman and Stalin agreed to return all of the European territories annexed by Germany
  • Second Conference in Yalta

    Agreed denazification and partition of Germany and Austria into four occupied zones and the division of Berlin Vienna
  • Charter of the Unite Nations

    signed by 46 countries, san Francisco Conference
  • Both Allied armies occupied Germany and met in the river Elbe

    Both Allied armies occupied Germany and met in the river Elbe
  • Hitler comited suicide

    Germany surrended
  • Japan surrended

  • Peace treaties with Germany's other allies were drawn up durning the Paris peace conference

  • Universal declaration of the human rights

  • The treaty whith Austria was signed