
Scottsboro Boys

  • The Fight begins!

    The Fight begins!
    PictureThe Fight Begins The fight begins on a train between the 9 scottsboro boys and the white people on the train, because a white man steps on Haywood Pattersons hand. They are accused and taken to jail.
  • Period: to

    Scottsboro Boys Trial

  • Inviction

    A Jury indicts all nine of the scottsboro boys.
  • Trial

    Trial: all nine of the scottsboro boys are tried, convicted, and sentenced to death.
  • Executions

    executions:The executions of the defendants are pushed back until the Alabama court allows it.
  • Court

    courtThe United States Supreme court agrees to ear the case.
  • Witness

    witnessRubty Bates appears in court and confesses that they were not raped.
  • Conviction

    Patterson was convicted guilty and sententenced to 75 years in prison.
  • Knight

    Thomas Knight dies.
  • Conviction

    Andy Wright was convicted to 99 years in prison.
  • Conviction

    The trial of Charley Weems ends in conviction and a sentence of 75 years.
  • Coviction

    Ozie Powell pleads guilty to assaulting Blalock and is sentenced to 20 years and the rape charges are dropped.
  • Charges Dropped!

    Rape charges against Olen Montgomery, Willie Roberson, Eugene Williams, and Roy Wright, are dropped.
  • Parole

    Charlie Weems is released on parole.
  • Parole

    Ozie Powell is released on parole.
  • Parole

    Andy Wright is parolled.
  • Patterson

    Patterson dies of cancer.
  • Wright

    Roy Wright dies
  • Norris

    Clarence Norris the last Scottsboro Boy died.
  • Video