S.Cooper A Storm Cloud Gathers (World War II)

  • Mussolini takes power in Italy

    Mussolini takes power in Italy
    Mussolini was a key figure in fascism, and was a very powerful leader in Italy. Hitler, secretly, looked up to him and admired many of his techniques as a leader. This helped lead to Hitler's uprise.
  • Period: to

    World War II

  • U.S Stock Market Crashes

    U.S Stock Market Crashes
    The Stock Market Crash affected millions of people. Many went completely bankrupt, unemployed, or homeless. Thousands of companies and banks closed down. The crash not only affected the U.S., but also European countries. Germany's economic trouble led to the uprise of Hitler and the Nazis, which contributed to World War II.
  • Japan seizes Manchuria

    Japan seizes Manchuria
    Japan's invasion of Manchuria proved that the League of Nations no longer had any power. While the risk of not obeying the rules of the league was being punished economically, it had no effect on Japan, who was in a depression.
  • FDR is elected president

    FDR is elected president
    As president, when the wore broke out, he tried to keep the U.S. as neutral as possible. When that was no longer an option, he thought of strategies that were great, both economically and efficiently.
  • Hitler is named Chancellor of Germany

    Hitler is named Chancellor of Germany
    Since Hitler was an official leader, he invaded Poland. This led France and England to declare war on Germany. After this, many other countries began to enter the war, leading to a huge outbreak.
  • Hitler defies the Treaty of Versailles

    Hitler defies the Treaty of Versailles
    Hitler increased the size of the German army, started training more men, and expanded the number of ships the military had. This led to a major uprise of the Nazi's.
  • Italy invade Ethiopia

    Italy invade Ethiopia
    The invasion led to a war between the two countries. The war, politically, is best known for exposing the weakness of the League of Nations.
  • France militarizes the Rhineland

    France militarizes the Rhineland
    France strictly controlled all the industrial areas. If anyone refused to work, they were executed.
  • Civil War erupts in Spain

    Civil War erupts in Spain
    This war led to Germany coming up with new equipment that affected the war greatly. It also divided Spain into "loyalists" and "republicans."
  • Japan invades China

    Japan invades China
    Japan desperately need funds to help their economy, so they invaded China as a means of getting new resources.
  • Anschluss

    This was the political union of Austria and Germany through annexation by Hitler. This was the beginning of Hitler sending Jews, Communists, and Social Democrats to concentration camps.
  • Munich Conference

    Munich Conference
    This was an agreement permitting the Germany annexation of Sudetenland.
  • Kristallnacht

    Also called the Night of Broken Glass, this was a series of attacks on Jews throughout Germany. This would foreshadow what was coming with the war.
  • Nazi-Soviet Pact

    Nazi-Soviet Pact
    This was an agreement between Germany and Russia that promised neither would attack the other for a certain amount of time. They also agreed to exchange certain goods and raw materials.
  • Germany invades Poland

    Germany invades Poland
    This event is considered the start to World War II. This invasion also led Britain and France to declare war on Germany.
  • U.S. Neutrality Act

    U.S. Neutrality Act
    After Britain and France declared war on Germany, this act was invoked by the president. It allowed for arms trade with fighting nations on a cash and carry basis.
  • Phony War

    Phony War
    This was a time when there was a lack of military operations by the Allies.
  • Miracle at Dunkirk

    Miracle at Dunkirk
    This was the evacuation of the Allied troops from Dunkirk because of the German army. This made the Britain army more confident, even though they lose some soldiers.
  • Churchill is Elected Prime Minister in England

    Churchill is Elected Prime Minister in England
    His speeches were great inspiration to Britain when they were in low points of the war. This motivated the soldiers to fight against Hitler the best they could.
  • Japan seizes French Indo-China

    Japan seizes French Indo-China
    Japan wanted to prevent China from importing weapons through French Indo-China. The invasion tightened the blockade of China.
  • France Surrenders

    France Surrenders
    Germany had entered France, and took over Paris. The French army was having a difficult time and had had many losses. Under the signed armistice, 2/3 of France was occupied by Germany.
  • Battle of Britain

    Battle of Britain
    This battle marked the first defeat of Hitler's forces. It also led the U.S. to question Britain's ability to survive the war, but Roosevelt assured them they could.
  • Lend-Lease Act

    Lend-Lease Act
    It was the act that had the U.S. supply various Allies from 1941 to 1945. Formally, this act ended the United State's neutrality.
  • Atlantic Charter

    Atlantic Charter
    This Charter stated the idea goals of the war. It was written by Britain and the U.S., and later all of the Allies agreed to it.
  • Attack on Pearl Harbor

    Attack on Pearl Harbor
    This event led to the formal declaration of war on Japan by the United States. Later, Germany and Italy declared war on the U.S. because of the Tripartite Pact they were a part of.