Scientists an Their Lives

  • Period: to


  • Dalton proceeded to print his first published table of relative atomic weights.

  • John Dalton gave this Society the first announcement of his famous atomic theory

  • Molecular Theory

    He published his works on molecular theory.
  • Michael Faraday plotted the magnetic field around a conductor

  • Michael Faraday invents the first electric motor.

  • English pysicist and chemist Michael Faraday described the dynamo principle.

  • Michael Faraday liquifies Chlorine.

  • Michael Faraday states his law of induction.

  • Michael Faraday invents the electric transformer.

  • Michael Faraday invents the electric dynamo.

  • Michael Faraday discovers magnetic lines of force.

  • Michael Faraday observes that a moving magnet induces an electric current.

  • Faraday discovered electromagnetic induction.

  • Michael Faraday states his laws of electrolysis.

  • Faraday expounded the Laws of Electrolysis and adopted the term 'ion' for the particles belived to be responsible for carrying current.

  • Michael Faraday develops the laws of electrolysis.

  • Michael Faraday discovers that light propagation in a material can be influenced by external magnetic fields.

  • Michael Faraday observes the rotation of polarised light by magnetism.

  • Michael Faraday performed experiments to find link between gravity and electromagnetism fail.

  • Crookes discovered the element Thallium. (Discovered Thallium)

  • He tested Dalton's atomic model on cathode rays. (Created forerunner of television picture tube)

  • William Crookes invented the radiometer in 1874. (Invented Radiometer)

  • Cathode rays are beam of electrons that travel from the negatively charged to positively charged end of a vacuum tube, across a voltage difference between the electrodes placed at each end. (Discovery of Cathode Rays)

  • Crookes discovered Plasma (Discovery of Plasma)

  • Habilitation thesis

    Max presents his habilitation thesis that states different Equilibrium states of isotropic bodies at different temperatures.
  • J.J. Thomson became Cavendish Professor of Physics.

  • Black body radiation.

    One of Max's well known early theroys was caused by his intrest in the problem of black box radiation (Which is an idealized physical body that absorbs all incident electromagnetic radiation.) And tried to come up with the soluion using an equasion, otherwise known as the quantum. It states that electromagnetic energy could be emitted only in quantized form. He came up with E = hν an equasion using the plank constant, which he invented in 1899.
  • J.J Thomson began his investigations.

  • J.J. Thomson discoverd the electron.

  • Rutherford discovers two types of rays.

    He gave Alpha and Beta names.
  • Rutherford discovered a radioactive gas.

    Called Radon Today...
  • Ernest Rutherford announces his progress in radioactivity

    Ernest Rutherford announces that radioactivity is a manifestation of sub-atomic change. (No exact month and date)
  • The Spinthariscope is a device used to observe individual flashes produced by ionizing radiation. (Development the Spinthariscope)

  • His Special Theory of Relativity is born and he applies his theory to mass and energy and formulates the famous equation e=mc2. Einstein has four papers published in the Annalen der Physik, the leading German physics journal. 1905 is known as Einstein's "

  • Einstein begins applying the laws of gravity to his Special Theory of Relativity.

  • Moseley predicted the undiscovered element Hafnium

  • Ernest Rutherford announces the nuclear model of the atom.

  • Rutherford discovered the Nucleus

    Ernest Rutherford discovered the nucleus in 1911 using the gold foil experiment. (No exact month and date)
  • Einstein predicts bending of light. He is appointed Professor of theoretical physics at the German University of Prague

  • Moseley arranged elements in order of increasing atomic number

  • Bohr finished his atomic theory

    The Bohr Model talks about certain and guided electrons paths.
  • Moseley showed that there was gaps between the atomic numbers sequence at numbers 43,61,72,and 75

  • Moseley discovered element Rhenium

  • Application of x-ray specturm study atomic structre

  • Moseley discovered that lanthanide must have 15 members

  • Einstein completes the General Theory of Relativity.

  • His General Theory of Relativity is published

  • Rutherford becomes the first alchemist

    Ernest Rutherford changed Nitrogen to Oxygen; he split the atoms. (No exact month and date)
  • Rutherford discovers Protons

    Ernest Rutherford discovers protons in the year 1918. (No exact month and date)
  • Chadwick ends research on Radioactivity

  • Beginning of wave mechanics

    This theory set the basis of wave mehanics. It is called the Matter and wave - particle duality
  • Neils Bohr debates quantom theory with Albert Einstein

  • Uncertainty Principle

    Heisenberg uncertainty principle', stating that it was impossible to measure the velocity and position of an electron at the same time.
  • Quantum Theory

    Other Know As Quantum Mechanics. There Are Many Definitons But One Defintion Is The Principle That Matter & Energy Have The Properties Of Both Particles. Quantum Theory Is About The Nature Of Matter.
  • Wave Mechanics-a new theory and controversial

    In his doctoral thesis, Research on Quantum Theory, he introduced the theory of electron waves, including wave -particle duality theory of matter. He hypothesis was that any moving particle or object has a wave associated with it. This created a new field of physics, Wave Mechanics
  • 1926 introduction of Schrödinger's wave

  • He begins to develop the foundation of quantum mechanics with Niels Bohr.

  • Duality of the laws of nature

    de Broglie extended the theory of duality to all particles including the laws of nature. He extended it to particles (and to "crystals which revealed the effects of diffrection".)
  • The results of De Broglie's theory

    Transmission electron microscopy is capable of imaging at very high resolutions than light microscopes owning to de Broglie's wavelength ov electron theory. These are used in research of cancers, virus, material science, nanotechnology, semi conductors.
  • Chadwick discovers the neutron

  • Discovering the Neutron

    Discovering the Neutron prepared the way towards the Fission of Uranium of the ATOMIC BOMB.
  • Neutrino theory of light

    "The idea introduces that the photon is equivalent to the fusion of two Dirac neutrinos. It shows the movement of the center of gravity of the two particles obeys the Maxwell equations- it implies that both the neutrino and the photon both have rest masses that are non-zero, very low".
  • He introduced his famous "Schrödinger's cat" paradox in a 1935 paper

  • Hidden Thermodynamics

    This was his final amazing idea. Hidden thermodynamics of isolated particles which tried to unite three principles of physics related to action, distances and entropy (a thermodynamic property that can be used to determine the energy available for useful work).