Periodic table1

History of The elements

  • 400

    The middle ages

    The middle ages
    The middle ages were called the dark ages because of the lack of improvement in that area.
  • 400

    Alchemists in the middle ages

    Alchemists in the middle ages
    Alchemists in the Middle Ages were obsessed with turning one element to another, an example is that they tried turning lead into gold. .
  • Feb 21, 1500

    The Renaissance

    The Renaissance
    The 'Renaissance' is a french word meaning rebirth. This means that europe was rebirthed and escaped the dark ages. The renaissance started in Italy and spread to Europe. This happened becuase Europe started developing and improving in physics, chemistry, astronomy, mathamatics and geography.
  • Discovery of element 15 - Phosphorus

    Discovery of element 15 - Phosphorus
    Phosphorus was discovered in 1669 by Hennig Brand
  • Discovery of element 12 - Magnesium

    Discovery of element 12 - Magnesium
    Magnesium was discovered in 1755 by Joesph Black.
  • Discovery of element 1 - Hydrogen

    Discovery of element 1 - Hydrogen
    Hydrogen was first recognized as a distinct element by Henry Cavendish in 1766.
  • Discovery of element 8 - Oxygen

    Discovery of element 8 - Oxygen
    Oxygen was discovered in 1771 by Carl Wilhelm Scheele
  • Discovery of element 7 - Nitrogen

    Discovery of element 7 - Nitrogen
    Nitrogen was discovered in 1772 by Daniel Rutherford
  • Discover of element 17 - Chlorine

    Discover of element 17 - Chlorine
    Chlorine was discovered in 1774 by Carl Wilhelm Scheele
  • Discovery of element 4 - Beryllium

    Discovery of element 4 - Beryllium
    Beryllium was discovered in 1798 by Louis Nicolas Vauquelin
  • Nuclei atoms change

    Nuclei atoms change
    The discovery of radioactivity in the late 1800s made scientists realize that the nuclei of atoms did change. One element can change into another element in a nuclear reaction.
  • Discovery of element 11 - Sodium

    Discovery of element 11 - Sodium
    Sodium was discovered in 1807 by Humphry Davy.
  • Discovery of element 19 - Potassium

    Discovery of element 19 - Potassium
    Potassium was discovered in 1807 by Humphry Davy
  • Discovery of element 5 - Boron

    Discovery of element 5 - Boron
    Boron was discovered in 1808 by Joesph Louis Gay-Lussac and L.J. Thenard.
  • Discovery of element 20 - Calcium

    Discovery of element 20 - Calcium
    Calcium was discovered in 1808 by Humphry Davy
  • Discovery of element 3 - Lithium

    Discovery of element 3 - Lithium
    Lithium was discovered in 1817 by Johan Arfwedson
  • Discovery of element 14 - Silicon

    Discovery of element 14 - Silicon
    Silicon was discovered in 1824 by Jons Jacob Berzelius
  • Discovery of element 13 - Aluminium

    Discovery of element 13 - Aluminium
    Aluminium was discovered in 1825 by Hans Christian Orsted
  • Discovery of element 2 - Helium

    Discovery of element 2 - Helium
    Helium was discoverd in 1868 by Pierre .Janssen and J.N. Lockyer.
  • Discovery of element 9 - Fluorine

    Discovery of element 9 - Fluorine
    Fluorine was discovered in 1886 by Henri Moissan
  • Discovery of element 18 - Argon

    Discovery of element 18 - Argon
    Argon was discovered in 1894 by William Ramsay and Lord Rayleigh
  • The Plum Pudding model was discoverd by

    The Plum Pudding model was discoverd by
    In 1897 J.J. Thopmson came up with atomic structure theory. His atomic theory identified that electrons inside an atom could show, meaning that atoms were not invisible. His atomic theory gives a complete explanation of the atomic structure. In this theory all parts of the atom were positive recharge.
  • Discovery of element 10 - Neon

    Discovery of element 10 - Neon
    Neon was discovered in 1898 by William Ramsay and MorrisTravers
  • Rutherfords Atom

    Rutherfords Atom
    In his famous experiment Earnest Rutherford shot alpha particles through a thin layer of gold foil. He found three things: Nearly all particles went through meaning that most of the atom was empty, Some electrons were bent out at wide angles meaning that the centre of the atom had a nucleus and finally some electrons bounced right back meaning that most of the atoms mass was at the nucleus.
  • Bohr's Atom

    Bohr's Atom
    In 1913 Bohr proposed his theory about the shell model of the atom to explain how electrons can have stable orbits around the nucleus.
  • Enrico Fermi

    Enrico Fermi
    Enrico Fermi was a pioneer in the search for new elements. In 1934 he suggested how it should be possible to make new elements, with atoms larger than the heaviest naturally occuring atoms of uranium (atomic number 92).
  • Second World War

    Second World War
    Element 93 was produced in 1940. Also during that time other new elements were identified in the teribble aftermath of the nuclear bombs dropped on Japan at the end of the Second World War
  • Elements 94 to 101

    Elements 94 to 101
    Scientists working in America used Enrico Fermi's ideas. They bombarded large atoms with neutrons, which transformed into protons in the nuclei of the target atoms. Before the end of 1955 the had made the elements 94 to 101.
  • Naming the elements 102 to 106

    Naming the elements 102 to 106
    Both countries, Russia and American made elements 102 to 106. Arguments began about what names should be given to the new elements. Russians wanted russian names and Americans wanted American names. After many years of arguing and debating IUPAC finally named the elements in 1997.