Scientist Timeline

  • 322

    Greek: Aristotle--dates for all greeks are in BC but timetoast won't let me do BC)

    Aristotle dies. He believed that all objects were composed of a potential (matter) and a reality (form). Believed universe had no beginning or end--eternal.
  • 346

    Greeks: Plato

    Plato dies. He founded hte Academy. Used Empedocles element theort and identified each element with a regular solid. Fire=tetrahedron, air=actahedron, earth-=cube, water=icohedron. All properties of matter could be deduced thourgh thought w/o explanation. No experiments, just thinking.
  • 370

    Greeks: Democritus

    Democritus dies. Known for development of atomism to say taht atoms were solid bodies that were infinite in number, size, an shape, but could not be seen with naked eye. Thought everything emitted films of atoms and that our bodies recieved sensations from these.
  • 420

    Greeks: Leucippus

    Leucippus dies. Influnced by Zeno. THought there were 2 different elemdnts: full or solid and empty or void. His theory for atomism stated that there were infinite atoms ahtat exist and are responsible for special properties of matter. Agreed with Parmenides that w/o space for motion there can be no motion.
  • 432


    Empedocles dies. Belived that all things were made of 4 elements: Earth, Fire, Water, and Air:later developed by Aristotle and Plato. Conducted an experiment to show that air existed and wasn't just empt space(straw water example). He resasoned but didn't test that light traveled in finite velocity.
  • 460

    Greeks: Democritus

    Democritus born
  • John Dalton

    Dalton born
  • US becomes a country

    US declares indepenednce form Great Britain.
  • Lord Ernest Rutherford Born

    Nelson, New Zeland
  • Dalton

    Dalton died. He is best remembered for discovering the Atomic Theory. He created 3 laws. 1st law is law of Multiple Proportions which is the fixed ratio law. The of Definite Composition which states that a compound contrains 2 or more elements compined in a def. propor. of mass. (NH3 example) The Law of Conservation of mass states that mass can't be created or destroyed but it can be rearranged.
  • Joseph James Thompson

    Born in Cheetham Hill(suburb of Manchester,England)
  • Planck

  • Hantaro Nagaoka

    born in Omer, Nagasaki Prefecture,Japan
  • Millikan

    born in Morrison, Illinois
  • Thompson

    enrolled at Queens College in Manchester
  • Thompson

    enrolled at Trinity College in Cambridge
  • Thompson

    Thompson was Cavendish Professor of Experimental Physics at Cambridge from 1884 to 1918.
  • Thompson

    elected Fellow of Royal Society
  • Niels Bohr

    born in Copenhagen, Denmark
  • Erwin Schrodinger

  • Rutherford

    He was awarded a scholarship to attend University of New Zeland in Wellington and Canterbury College.
  • James Chadwick

    born in England
  • Louis De Broglie

    born in France
  • Rutherford Graduates from College

    Majors in Mathematics and Physical Science. He experimented with radioactive elements and found that they have a half-life and can then eventually turn into other stable elements. Also claimed rodioactive elemets produce alpha and beta rays. He later came up with a model of an atom after the discovery of a nucleus.
  • Rutherford

    Went to Trinity College, Cambridge and studied under JJ Thompson; recieved a B.A. Research Degree
  • Thompson

    archived original study of cathode rays culminating in discovery of the electron
  • Rhtuerford

    Joins Macdonald Chair of Physics at McGill University in Montreal, Canada
  • Planck

    E=h*f. Energy depends on frequency. E measured in J. Frequenct in Hz. h=Planck's constant in Joules per Hz(j-s). Planck's constant: 6.63x10^-34 j-s. Specific amt of energy required to knock electron out of orbit.
  • Heisenberg

  • Nagaoka

    presented idea of kinetic theor of gases and the stability of Saturn's rings. Led to the question of electrons losing energy when they're constantly moving. To prove model=proving electrons aren't losing energy. The a more detailed model of an atom was realeased that agreed with Nagaoka. Proved electrons didn't loose energy as they went around the + nucleus.
  • Rutherford

    Returns to Europe to become a professor
  • Rutherford

    set up study to further knowledge on radiation.
  • Thompson

  • James Chadwick

    attended Machester's University
  • Rutherford

    discovers atomic nucleus and developes atomic model. His atomic model is called the Planetary model with nucleus and orbiting electrons.Discovered proton and was first to make nuclear reaction. Mentored students rather than research himself.
  • Millikan

    prof at Univ of Chicago
  • Planck

    Head of Kaiser Wilhelm Society
  • Chadwick

    Graduation from Honours School of Physics
  • Chadwick

    offered scholarship to study in Germany. He studied nuclear science and was later involved in the Manhattan Project which developed the atomic bomb.
  • Bohr

    used Rutherford's model of atom as guide to study atomic structure
  • Rutherford

    Kinghted and thus becomes Lord Ernest Rutherford
  • WWI

    beginnig of war
  • Rutherford

    succeeded Sir Joseph Thompson
  • Bohr

    awarded Nobel Prize for Physics. He created a new model of the atom with the nucleus and the orbitals with electrons. For rest of life he develoed peacefully-used atomic energy and dabbled in microbio.
  • Millikan

    Nobel Prize for Physics to Millikan for Oil Drop experiment that was conducted from 1908 to 1917. Mist in chamber, hit with rays, attracted to + charged platechamber 1, electrons suspended in mid-air. Proved charge and size of electrons.
  • Schrodinger

    discobered his wave equation which come for a dissatifaction with Bohr's orbit theory.
  • De Broglie

    awarded Nobel Prize for discovery that light behaves as both a wave and a particle.
  • Wall Street Crash of 1929

    spark that started Great Depression
  • Werner Heisenberg

    wins Noble Prize for neutron-proton nucleus model.
  • Chadwick

    published book describing the proved existance of a neutron. He was awarded the Hughes Medal of the Royal Society in this same year.
  • Schrodinger

    shared Nobel Prize with Paul Dirac
  • Chadwick

    wins Nobel Prize
  • Rutherford dies

    ashes buried in Westminster Abbey. Won many awards including Nobel Prize.
  • Beginnig of WWII

    World War II begins
  • Thompson

    death date. recieved several awards and degrees form many institutions.
  • Pearl Harbor Attack on US

    Japanese bomb Pearl Harbor which throws the US into the Pacific Theatre of WWII
  • Death of Hitler

    Hitler commits suicide
  • Planck

  • Planck

    Max Planck Society
  • Nagaoka

    death date
  • Millikan

    death date.
  • Schrodinger

    death from long illness. Famous for QMM. principal quantum number=n. Location of electrons around nucleus. Determines allowd energies and electron can have and how to find most prob. location of electron.
  • Bohr

    death date. Throughout life recieved several honorary docrorates from various universiteis such as Cambridge, Vienna, Oslo, Princeton, Harvard, etc.
  • Chadwick

    death date. Thoroughout his life he won several awards including the Nobel Prize for Physics in 1935
  • Heisenberg

    died. Famous for uncertainty principle tht states that knowing exact position and momentum of electrons at the same time is impossible.
  • Greeks: Aristotle

    Aristotle born
  • Greeks: Plato

  • Greeks: Leucippus

  • Greeks: Empedocles
